Source code for dclab.features.contour

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Computation of event contour from event mask"""
from __future__ import division, print_function, unicode_literals

import numpy as np

# equivalent to
# from skimage.measure import find_contours
from ..external.skimage.measure import find_contours

[docs]def get_contour(mask): """Compute the image contour from a mask The contour is computed in a very inefficient way using scikit-image and a conversion of float coordinates to pixel coordinates. Parameters ---------- mask: binary ndarray of shape (M,N) or (K,M,N) The mask outlining the pixel positions of the event. If a 3d array is given, then `K` indexes the individual contours. Returns ------- cont: ndarray or list of K ndarrays of shape (J,2) A 2D array that holds the contour of an event (in pixels) e.g. obtained using `mm.contour` where `mm` is an instance of `RTDCBase`. The first and second columns of `cont` correspond to the x- and y-coordinates of the contour. """ if isinstance(mask, np.ndarray) and len(mask.shape) == 2: mask = [mask] ret_list = False else: ret_list = True contours = [] for mi in mask: c0 = find_contours(mi.transpose(), level=.9999, positive_orientation="low", fully_connected="high")[0] # round all coordinates to pixel values c1 = np.asarray(np.round(c0), int) # remove duplicates c2 = remove_duplicates(c1) contours.append(c2) if ret_list: return contours else: return contours[0]
def remove_duplicates(cont): out = [] for ii in range(len(cont)): if np.all(cont[ii] == cont[ii - 1]): pass else: out.append(cont[ii]) return np.array(out)