Source code for dclab.kde_contours

from __future__ import division

import numpy as np

from .external.skimage.measure import find_contours
from .polygon_filter import PolygonFilter
import scipy.interpolate as spint

from .kde_methods import get_bad_vals

[docs]def find_contours_level(density, x, y, level, closed=False): """Find iso-valued density contours for a given level value Parameters ---------- density: 2d ndarray of shape (M, N) Kernel density estimate for which to compute the contours x: 2d ndarray of shape (M, N) or 1d ndarray of size M X-values corresponding to `kde` y: 2d ndarray of shape (M, N) or 1d ndarray of size M Y-values corresponding to `kde` level: float between 0 and 1 Value along which to find contours in `kde` relative to its maximum kde Returns ------- contours: list of ndarrays of shape (P, 2) Contours found for the given level value See Also -------- skimage.measure.find_contours: Contour finding algorithm used """ if level >= 1 or level <= 0: raise ValueError("`level` must be in (0,1), got '{}'!".format(level)) # level relative to maximum level = level * density.max() # xy coordinates if len(x.shape) == 2: assert np.all(x[:, 0] == x[:, 1]) x = x[:, 0] if len(y.shape) == 2: assert np.all(y[0, :] == y[1, :]) y = y[0, :] if closed: # find closed contours density = np.pad(density, ((1, 1), (1, 1)), mode="constant") offset = 1 else: # leave contours open at kde boundary offset = 0 conts_idx = find_contours(density, level) conts_xy = [] for cc in conts_idx: cx = np.interp(x=cc[:, 0]-offset, xp=range(x.size), fp=x) cy = np.interp(x=cc[:, 1]-offset, xp=range(y.size), fp=y) conts_xy.append(np.stack((cx, cy), axis=1)) return conts_xy
[docs]def get_quantile_levels(density, x, y, xp, yp, q, normalize=True): """Compute density levels for given quantiles by interpolation For a given 2D density, compute the density levels at which the resulting contours contain the fraction `1-q` of all data points. E.g. for a measurement of 1000 events, all contours at the level corresponding to a quantile of `q=0.95` (95th percentile) contain 50 events (5%). Parameters ---------- density: 2d ndarray of shape (M, N) Kernel density estimate for which to compute the contours x: 2d ndarray of shape (M, N) or 1d ndarray of size M X-values corresponding to `kde` y: 2d ndarray of shape (M, N) or 1d ndarray of size M Y-values corresponding to `kde` xp: 1d ndarray of size D Event x-data from which to compute the quantile yp: 1d ndarray of size D Event y-data from which to compute the quantile q: array_like or float between 0 and 1 Quantile along which to find contours in `kde` relative to its maximum normalize: bool Whether output levels should be normalized to the maximum of `density` Returns ------- level: float Contours level corresponding to the given quantile Notes ----- NaN-values events in `xp` and `yp` are ignored. """ # xy coordinates if len(x.shape) == 2: assert np.all(x[:, 0] == x[:, 1]) x = x[:, 0] if len(y.shape) == 2: assert np.all(y[0, :] == y[1, :]) y = y[0, :] # remove bad events bad = get_bad_vals(xp, yp) xp = xp[~bad] yp = yp[~bad] # Normalize interpolation data such that the spacing for # x and y is about the same during interpolation. x_norm = x.max() x = x / x_norm xp = xp / x_norm y_norm = y.max() y = y / y_norm yp = yp / y_norm # Perform interpolation dp = spint.interpn((x, y), density, (xp, yp), method='linear', bounds_error=False, fill_value=0) if normalize: dp /= density.max() if not np.isscalar(q): q = np.array(q) plev = np.nanpercentile(dp, q=q*100) return plev
def _find_quantile_level(density, x, y, xp, yp, quantile, acc=.01, ret_err=False): """Find density level for a given data quantile by iteration Parameters ---------- density: 2d ndarray of shape (M, N) Kernel density estimate for which to compute the contours x: 2d ndarray of shape (M, N) or 1d ndarray of size M X-values corresponding to `kde` y: 2d ndarray of shape (M, N) or 1d ndarray of size M Y-values corresponding to `kde` xp: 1d ndarray of size D Event x-data from which to compute the quantile yp: 1d ndarray of size D Event y-data from which to compute the quantile quantile: float between 0 and 1 Quantile along which to find contours in `kde` relative to its maximum acc: float Desired absolute accuracy (stopping criterion) of the contours ret_err: bool If True, also return the absolute error Returns ------- level: float Contours level corresponding to the given quantile Notes ----- A much more faster method (using interpolation) is implemented in :func:`get_quantile_levels`. NaN-values events in `xp` and `yp` are ignored. See Also -------- skimage.measure.find_contours: Contour finding algorithm """ if quantile >= 1 or quantile <= 0: raise ValueError("Invalid value for `quantile`: {}".format(quantile)) # remove bad events bad = get_bad_vals(xp, yp) xp = xp[~bad] yp = yp[~bad] # initial guess level = quantile # error of current iteration err = 1 # iteration factor (guarantees convergence) itfac = 1 # total number of events nev = xp.size while np.abs(err) > acc: # compute contours conts = find_contours_level(density, x, y, level, closed=True) # compute number of points in contour isin = 0 for ii in range(nev): for cc in conts: isin += PolygonFilter.point_in_poly((xp[ii], yp[ii]), poly=cc) break # no need to check other contours err = quantile - (nev - isin) / nev level += err * itfac itfac *= .9 if ret_err: return level, err else: return level