… _sec_av_notation:


When coding with dclab, you should be aware of the following definitions and design principles.


An event comprises all data recorded for the detection of one object (e.g. cell or bead) in an RT-DC measurement.


A feature is a measurement parameter of an RT-DC measurement. For instance, the feature “index” enumerates all recorded events, the feature “deform” contains the deformation values of all events. There are scalar features, i.e. features that assign a single number to an event, and non-scalar features, such as “image” and “contour”. The following features are supported by dclab:

scalar features description [units]
area_cvx Convex area [px]
area_msd Measured area [px]
area_ratio Porosity (convex to measured area ratio)
area_um Area [µm²]
aspect Aspect ratio of bounding box
bright_avg Brightness average within contour [a.u.]
bright_sd Brightness SD within contour [a.u.]
circ Circularity
deform Deformation
emodulus Young’s Modulus [kPa]
fl1_area FL-1 area of peak [a.u.]
fl1_dist FL-1 distance between two first peaks [µs]
fl1_max FL-1 maximum [a.u.]
fl1_max_ctc FL-1 maximum, crosstalk-corrected [a.u.]
fl1_npeaks FL-1 number of peaks
fl1_pos FL-1 position of peak [µs]
fl1_width FL-1 width [µs]
fl2_area FL-2 area of peak [a.u.]
fl2_dist FL-2 distance between two first peaks [µs]
fl2_max FL-2 maximum [a.u.]
fl2_max_ctc FL-2 maximum, crosstalk-corrected [a.u.]
fl2_npeaks FL-2 number of peaks
fl2_pos FL-2 position of peak [µs]
fl2_width FL-2 width [µs]
fl3_area FL-3 area of peak [a.u.]
fl3_dist FL-3 distance between two first peaks [µs]
fl3_max FL-3 maximum [a.u.]
fl3_max_ctc FL-3 maximum, crosstalk-corrected [a.u.]
fl3_npeaks FL-3 number of peaks
fl3_pos FL-3 position of peak [µs]
fl3_width FL-3 width [µs]
frame Video frame number
g_force Gravitational force in multiples of g
index Event index (Dataset)
index_online Event index (Online)
inert_ratio_cvx Inertia ratio of convex contour
inert_ratio_prnc Principal inertia ratio of raw contour
inert_ratio_raw Inertia ratio of raw contour
nevents Total number of events in the same image
pc1 Principal component 1
pc2 Principal component 2
pos_x Position along channel axis [µm]
pos_y Position lateral in channel [µm]
size_x Bounding box size x [µm]
size_y Bounding box size y [µm]
temp Chip temperature [°C]
temp_amb Ambient temperature [°C]
tilt Absolute tilt of raw contour
time Event time [s]
userdef0 User defined 0
userdef1 User defined 1
userdef2 User defined 2
userdef3 User defined 3
userdef4 User defined 4
userdef5 User defined 5
userdef6 User defined 6
userdef7 User defined 7
userdef8 User defined 8
userdef9 User defined 9
volume Volume [µm³]
non-scalar features description [units]
contour Binary event contour image
image Gray scale event image
mask Binary region labeling the event in the image
trace Dictionary of fluorescence traces

Example: deformation vs. area plot

import matplotlib.pylab as plt
import dclab
ds = dclab.new_dataset("data/example.rtdc")
ax = plt.subplot(111)
ax.plot(ds["area_um"], ds["deform"], "o", alpha=.2)

(Source code, png, hires.png, pdf)


Example: event image plot

import matplotlib.pylab as plt
import dclab
ds = dclab.new_dataset("data/example_video.rtdc")
ax1 = plt.subplot(211, title="image")
ax2 = plt.subplot(212, title="mask")
ax1.imshow(ds["image"][6], cmap="gray")

(Source code, png, hires.png, pdf)


Ancillary features

Not all features available in dclab are recorded online during the acquisition of the experimental dataset. Some of the features are computed offline by dclab, such as “volume” or “emodulus”. These ancillary features are computed on-the-fly and are made available seamlessly through the same interface.


A filter can be used to gate events using features. There are min/max filters and 2D polygon filters. The following table defines the main filtering parameters:

filtering parsed description [units]
enable filters fbool Enable filtering
hierarchy parent str Hierarchy parent of the dataset
limit events fint Upper limit for number of filtered events
polygon filters fintlist Polygon filter indices
remove invalid events fbool Remove events with inf/nan values

Min/max filters are also defined in the filters section:

filtering explanation
area_um min Exclude events with area [µm²] below this value
area_um max Exclude events with area [µm²] above this value
aspect max Exclude events with an aspect ratio above this value

Example: excluding events with large deformation

import matplotlib.pylab as plt
import dclab
ds = dclab.new_dataset("data/example.rtdc")

ds.config["filtering"]["deform max"] = .1
dif = ds.filter.all

f, axes = plt.subplots(1, 2, sharex=True, sharey=True)
axes[0].plot(ds["area_um"], ds["bright_avg"], "o", alpha=.2)
axes[1].plot(ds["area_um"][dif], ds["bright_avg"][dif], "o", alpha=.2)
axes[1].set_title("Deformation <= 0.1")

for ax in axes:


(Source code, png, hires.png, pdf)

Example: excluding random events

This is useful if you need to have a (sub-)dataset of a specified size. The downsampling is reproducible (the same points are excluded).

import matplotlib.pylab as plt
import dclab
ds = dclab.new_dataset("data/example.rtdc")
ds.config["filtering"]["limit events"] = 4000
fid = ds.filter.all

ax = plt.subplot(111)
ax.plot(ds["area_um"][fid], ds["deform"][fid], "o", alpha=.2)

(Source code, png, hires.png, pdf)


Experiment metadata

Every RT-DC measurement has metadata consisting of key-value-pairs. The following are supported:

experiment parsed description [units]
date str Date of measurement (‘YYYY-MM-DD’)
event count fint Number of recorded events
run index fint Index of measurement run
sample str Measured sample or user-defined reference
time str Start time of measurement (‘HH:MM:SS[.S]’)
fluorescence parsed description [units]
bit depth fint Trace bit depth
channel 1 name str FL1 description
channel 2 name str FL2 description
channel 3 name str FL3 description
channel count fint Number of active channels
channels installed fint Number of available channels
laser 1 lambda float Laser 1 wavelength [nm]
laser 1 power float Laser 1 output power [%]
laser 2 lambda float Laser 2 wavelength [nm]
laser 2 power float Laser 2 output power [%]
laser 3 lambda float Laser 3 wavelength [nm]
laser 3 power float Laser 3 output power [%]
laser count fint Number of active lasers
lasers installed fint Number of available lasers
sample rate float Trace sample rate [Hz]
samples per event fint Samples per event
signal max float Upper voltage detection limit [V]
signal min float Lower voltage detection limit [V]
trace median fint Rolling median filter size for traces
fmt_tdms parsed description [units]
video frame offset fint Missing events at beginning of video
imaging parsed description [units]
flash device str Light source device type
flash duration float Light source flash duration [µs]
frame rate float Imaging frame rate [Hz]
pixel size float Pixel size [µm]
roi position x float Image x coordinate on sensor [px]
roi position y float Image y coordinate on sensor [px]
roi size x fint Image width [px]
roi size y fint Image height [px]
online_contour parsed description [units]
bin area min fint Minium pixel area of binary image event
bin kernel fint Odd ellipse kernel size, binary image morphing
bin threshold fint Binary threshold for avg-bg-corrected image
image blur fint Odd sigma for Gaussian blur (21x21 kernel)
no absdiff fbool Avoid OpenCV ‘absdiff’ for avg-bg-correction
online_filter parsed description [units]
area_ratio max float Maximum porosity
area_ratio min float Minimum porosity
area_ratio soft limit fbool Soft limit, porosity
area_um max float Maximum area [µm²]
area_um min float Minimum area [µm²]
area_um soft limit fbool Soft limit, area [µm²]
aspect max float Maximum aspect ratio of bounding box
aspect min float Minimum aspect ratio of bounding box
aspect soft limit fbool Soft limit, aspect ratio of bbox
deform max float Maximum deformation
deform min float Minimum deformation
deform soft limit fbool Soft limit, deformation
fl1_max max float Maximum FL-1 maximum [a.u.]
fl1_max min float Minimum FL-1 maximum [a.u.]
fl1_max soft limit fbool Soft limit, FL-1 maximum
fl2_max max float Maximum FL-2 maximum [a.u.]
fl2_max min float Minimum FL-2 maximum [a.u.]
fl2_max soft limit fbool Soft limit, FL-2 maximum
fl3_max max float Maximum FL-3 maximum [a.u.]
fl3_max min float Minimum FL-3 maximum [a.u.]
fl3_max soft limit fbool Soft limit, FL-3 maximum
size_x max fint Maximum bounding box size x [µm]
size_x min fint Minimum bounding box size x [µm]
size_x soft limit fbool Soft limit, bounding box size x
size_y max fint Maximum bounding box size y [µm]
size_y min fint Minimum bounding box size y [µm]
size_y soft limit fbool Soft limit, bounding box size y
target duration float Target measurement duration [min]
target event count fint Target event count for online gating
setup parsed description [units]
channel width float Width of microfluidic channel [µm]
chip region lcstr Imaged chip region (channel or reservoir)
flow rate float Flow rate in channel [µL/s]
flow rate sample float Sample flow rate [µL/s]
flow rate sheath float Sheath flow rate [µL/s]
identifier str Unique setup identifier
medium str Medium used
module composition str Comma-separated list of modules used
software version str Acquisition software with version
temperature float Mean chip temperature [°C]

Example: date and time of a measurement

In [1]: import dclab

In [2]: ds = dclab.new_dataset("data/example.rtdc")

In [3]: ds.config["experiment"]["date"], ds.config["experiment"]["time"]
Out[3]: ('2017-07-16', '19:01:36')

Analysis metadata

In addition to metadata, dclab also supports a user-defined analysis configuration which is usually part of a specific analysis pipeline and thus not considered to be experimental metadata.

calculation parsed description [units]
crosstalk fl12 float Fluorescence crosstalk, channel 1 to 2
crosstalk fl21 float Fluorescence crosstalk, channel 2 to 1
crosstalk fl31 float Fluorescence crosstalk, channel 1 to 3
crosstalk fl31 float Fluorescence crosstalk, channel 3 to 1
crosstalk fl32 float Fluorescence crosstalk, channel 2 to 3
crosstalk fl32 float Fluorescence crosstalk, channel 3 to 2
emodulus medium str Medium used (e.g. CellCarrierB, water)
emodulus model lcstr Model for computing elastic moduli
emodulus temperature float Chip temperature [°C]
emodulus viscosity float Viscosity [Pa*s] if ‘medium’ unknown