Source code for dclab.rtdc_dataset.fmt_hdf5

"""RT-DC hdf5 format"""
from distutils.version import LooseVersion
import functools
import numbers
import pathlib

import h5py
import numpy as np

from .. import definitions as dfn
from ..util import hashobj, hashfile

from .config import Configuration
from .core import RTDCBase

#: rtdc files exported with dclab prior to this version are not supported

#: dictionary of defective features, defined by HDF5 attributes;
#: if a value matches the given HDF5 attribute, the feature is
#: considered defective
    # feature: [HDF5_attribute, matching_value]
    # In Shape-In 2.0.6, there was a wrong variable cast for the
    # feature "aspect".
    "aspect": [["setup:software version", "ShapeIn 2.0.6"],
               ["setup:software version", "ShapeIn 2.0.7"],

class OldFormatNotSupportedError(BaseException):

class UnknownKeyWarning(UserWarning):

class H5ContourEvent(object):
    def __init__(self, h5group):
        self.h5group = h5group
        self.identifier = h5group["0"][:]
        self.shape = (len(h5group), np.nan, 2)

    def __getitem__(self, key):
        if not isinstance(key, numbers.Integral):
            # slicing!
            indices = np.arange(len(self))[key]
            output = []
            # populate the output list
            for evid in indices:
            return output
        elif key < 0:
            return self.__getitem__(key + len(self))
            return self.h5group[str(key)][:]

    def __iter__(self):
        for idx in range(len(self)):
            yield self[idx]

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self.h5group)

class H5Events(object):
    def __init__(self, h5):
        self._h5 = h5
        self._features = sorted(self._h5["events"].keys())
        # make sure that "trace" is not empty
        if "trace" in self._features and len(self._h5["events"]["trace"]) == 0:

    def __contains__(self, key):
        return key in self.keys()

    def __getitem__(self, key):
        # user-level checking is done in
        assert dfn.feature_exists(key), "Feature '{}' not valid!".format(key)
        data = self._h5["events"][key]
        if key in ["image", "image_bg", "trace"]:
            return data
        elif key == "contour":
            return H5ContourEvent(data)
        elif key == "mask":
            return H5MaskEvent(data)
            return data[:]

    def __iter__(self):
        # dict-like behavior
        for key in self.keys():
            yield key

    def _is_defective_feature(self, key):
        """Whether or not the stored feature is defective"""
        defective = False
        if key in self._features:
            # feature exists in the HDF5 file
            if key in DEFECTIVE_FEATURES:
                # workaround machinery for sorting out defective features
                for attr, value in DEFECTIVE_FEATURES[key]:
                    if attr in self._h5.attrs:
                        defective = self._h5.attrs[attr] == value
                    if defective:
        return defective

    def keys(self):
        """Returns list of valid features

        Checks for
        - defective features
        - existing feature names
        features = []
        for key in self._features:
            # check for defective features
            if dfn.feature_exists(key) and not self._is_defective_feature(key):
        return features

class H5Logs(object):
    def __init__(self, h5):
        self._h5 = h5

    def __getitem__(self, key):
        if key in self.keys():
            log = list(self._h5["logs"][key])
            if isinstance(log[0], bytes):
                log = [li.decode("utf") for li in log]
            raise KeyError(
                f"Log '{key}' not found or empty in {self._h5.file.filename}!")
        return log

    def __iter__(self):
        # dict-like behavior
        for key in self.keys():
            yield key

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self.keys())

    def keys(self):
        names = []
        if "logs" in self._h5:
            for key in self._h5["logs"]:
                if self._h5["logs"][key].size:
        return names

class H5MaskEvent(object):
    """Cast uint8 masks to boolean"""

    def __init__(self, h5group):
        self.h5group = h5group
        # identifier required because "mask" is used for computation
        # of ancillary feature "contour".
        self.identifier = str(self.h5group.parent.parent.file)

    def __getitem__(self, idx):
        return np.asarray(self.h5group[idx], dtype=bool)

    def __iter__(self):
        for idx in range(len(self)):
            yield self[idx]

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self.h5group)

    def attrs(self):
        return self.h5group.attrs

    def shape(self):
        return self.h5group.shape

[docs]class RTDC_HDF5(RTDCBase): def __init__(self, h5path, *args, **kwargs): """HDF5 file format for RT-DC measurements Parameters ---------- h5path: str or pathlib.Path Path to a '.tdms' measurement file. *args: Arguments for `RTDCBase` **kwargs: Keyword arguments for `RTDCBase` Attributes ---------- path: pathlib.Path Path to the experimental HDF5 (.rtdc) file """ super(RTDC_HDF5, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) h5path = pathlib.Path(h5path) self._hash = None self.path = h5path # Setup events self._h5 = h5py.File(h5path, mode="r") self._events = H5Events(self._h5) # Parse configuration self.config = RTDC_HDF5.parse_config(h5path) # Override logs property with HDF5 data self.logs = H5Logs(self._h5) # check version rtdc_soft = self.config["setup"]["software version"] if rtdc_soft.startswith("dclab "): rtdc_ver = LooseVersion(rtdc_soft.split(" ")[1]) if rtdc_ver < LooseVersion(MIN_DCLAB_EXPORT_VERSION): msg = "The file {} was created ".format(self.path) \ + "with dclab {} which is ".format(rtdc_ver) \ + "not supported anymore! Please rerun " \ + "dclab-tdms2rtdc / export the data again." raise OldFormatNotSupportedError(msg) self.title = "{} - M{}".format(self.config["experiment"]["sample"], self.config["experiment"]["run index"]) # Set up filtering self._init_filters() def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, type, value, tb): # close the HDF5 file self._h5.close()
[docs] @staticmethod def can_open(h5path): """Check whether a given file is in the .rtdc file format""" h5path = pathlib.Path(h5path) if h5path.suffix == ".rtdc": return True else: # we don't know the extension; check for the "events" group canopen = False try: # This is a workaround for Python2 where h5py cannot handle # unicode file names. with"rb") as fd: h5 = h5py.File(fd, "r") if "events" in h5: canopen = True except IOError: # not an HDF5 file pass return canopen
[docs] @staticmethod def parse_config(h5path): """Parse the RT-DC configuration of an hdf5 file""" with h5py.File(h5path, mode="r") as fh5: h5attrs = dict(fh5.attrs) # Convert byte strings to unicode strings # for key in h5attrs: if isinstance(h5attrs[key], bytes): h5attrs[key] = h5attrs[key].decode("utf-8") config = Configuration() for key in h5attrs: section, pname = key.split(":") config[section][pname] = h5attrs[key] return config
@property def hash(self): """Hash value based on file name and content""" if self._hash is None: tohash = [, # Hash a maximum of ~1MB of the hdf5 file hashfile(self.path, blocksize=65536, count=20)] self._hash = hashobj(tohash) return self._hash