Source code for dclab.rtdc_dataset.feat_anc_ml.ml_model

import abc

import numpy as np

[docs]class BaseModel(abc.ABC): def __init__(self, bare_model, inputs, outputs, info=None): """ Parameters ---------- bare_model: Underlying ML model inputs: list of str List of model input features, e.g. ``["deform", "area_um"]`` outputs: list of str List of output features the model provides in that order, e.g. ``["ml_score_rbc", "ml_score_rt1", "ml_score_tfe"]`` info: dict Dictionary with model metadata """ if info is None: info = {} info.setdefault("input features", inputs) info.setdefault("output features", outputs) self.bare_model = bare_model self.inputs = inputs self.outputs = outputs = info self.output_labels = info.get("output labels") or outputs
[docs] @staticmethod def all_formats(): """Dict of dictionaries containing all model formats in dclab Returns ------- fmt_dict: dict All file formats with names as keys. Each item contains the keys "name" (format name), "suffix" (saved file suffix), "requires" (Python dependencies). See Also -------- supported_formats: class-specific file formats """ formats = {} for cls in BaseModel.__subclasses__(): # Register the tensorflow file format for fmt in cls.supported_formats(): formats[fmt["name"]] = { "requirements": fmt["requirements"], "suffix": fmt["suffix"], "class": cls} return formats
[docs] @staticmethod @abc.abstractmethod def supported_formats(): """List of dictionaries containing model formats Returns ------- fmts: list Each item contains the keys "name" (format name), "suffix" (saved file suffix), "requires" (Python dependencies). Notes ----- The return value is automatically added to the return value of :func:`BaseModel.all_formats`. """
[docs] @staticmethod @abc.abstractmethod def load_bare_model(path): """Load an implementation-specific model from a file This will set the `self.model` attribute. Make sure that the other attributes are set properly as well. """
[docs] @staticmethod @abc.abstractmethod def save_bare_model(path, bare_model, save_format=None): """Save an implementation-specific model to a file Parameters ---------- path: str or path-like Path to store model to bare_model: object The implementation-specific bare model save_format: str Must be in `supported_formats` """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def predict(self, ds): """Return the probabilities of `self.outputs` for `ds` Parameters ---------- ds: dclab.rtdc_dataset.RTDCBase Dataset to apply the model to Returns ------- ofdict: dict Output feature dictionary with features as keys and 1d ndarrays as values. Notes ----- This function calls :func:`BaseModel.get_dataset_features` to obtain the input feature matrix. """
[docs] def get_dataset_features(self, ds, dtype=np.float32): """Return the dataset features used for inference Parameters ---------- ds: dclab.rtdc_dataset.RTDCBase Dataset from which to retrieve the feature data dtype: dtype All features are cast to this dtype Returns ------- fdata: 2d ndarray 2D array of shape (len(ds), len(self.inputs)); i.e. to access the array containing the first feature, for all events, you would do `fdata[:, 0]`. """ fdata = np.zeros((len(ds), len(self.inputs)), dtype=dtype) for ii, feat in enumerate(self.inputs): fdata[:, ii] = ds[feat] return fdata