Source code for dclab.statistics

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Statistics computation for RT-DC dataset instances
from __future__ import division, print_function, unicode_literals

import numpy as np
import traceback as tb
import warnings

from . import definitions as dfn

[docs]class BadMethodWarning(UserWarning): pass
[docs]class Statistics(object): available_methods = {} def __init__(self, name, method, req_feature=False): """ A helper class for statistics. All statistical methods are registered in the dictionary `Statistics.available_methods`. """ self.method = method = name self.req_feature = req_feature Statistics.available_methods[name] = self
[docs] def get_feature(self, rtdc_ds, axis): axis = axis.lower() if rtdc_ds.config["filtering"]["enable filters"]: x = rtdc_ds[axis][rtdc_ds._filter] else: x = rtdc_ds[axis] bad = np.isnan(x)^np.isinf(x) xout = x[~bad] return xout
[docs] def get_data(self, kwargs): if "rtdc_ds" not in kwargs: raise ValueError("Keyword argument 'rtdc_ds' missing.") rtdc_ds = kwargs["rtdc_ds"] if self.req_feature: if "feature" not in kwargs: raise ValueError("Keyword argument 'feature' missing.") return self.get_feature(rtdc_ds, kwargs["feature"]) else: return rtdc_ds
def __call__(self, **kwargs): data = self.get_data(kwargs) if len(data) == 0: result = np.nan else: try: result = self.method(data) except: exc = tb.format_exc().replace("\n", "\n | ") warnings.warn("Failed to compute {} for {}: {}".format(, kwargs["rtdc_ds"].title, exc), BadMethodWarning) result = np.nan return result
[docs]def flow_rate(mm): conf = mm.config["setup"] if "flow rate" in conf: return conf["flow rate"] else: return np.nan
[docs]def get_statistics(rtdc_ds, methods=None, features=None): """ Parameters ---------- rtdc_ds : instance of `dclab.rtdc_dataset.RTDCBase`. The data set for which to compute the statistics. methods : list of str or None The methods wih which to compute the statistics. The list of available methods is given with `dclab.statistics.Statistics.available_methods.keys()` If set to `None`, statistics for all methods are computed. features : list of str Feature name identifiers are defined in `dclab.definitions.scalar_feature_names`. If set to `None`, statistics for all axes are computed. Returns ------- header : list of str The header (feature + method names) of the computed statistics. values : list of float The computed statistics. """ if methods is None: cls = list(Statistics.available_methods.keys()) # sort the features in a usable way me1 = [ m for m in cls if not Statistics.available_methods[m].req_feature ] me2 = [ m for m in cls if Statistics.available_methods[m].req_feature ] methods = me1 + me2 if features is None: features = dfn.scalar_feature_names else: features = [a.lower() for a in features] header = [] values = [] # To make sure that all methods are computed for each feature in a block, # we loop over all features. It would be easier to loop over the methods, # but the resulting statistics would not be human-friendly. for ft in features: for mt in methods: meth = Statistics.available_methods[mt] if meth.req_feature: if ft in rtdc_ds: values.append(meth(rtdc_ds=rtdc_ds, feature=ft)) else: values.append(np.nan) header.append(" ".join([mt, dfn.feature_name2label[ft]])) else: # Prevent multiple entries of this method. if not header.count(mt): values.append(meth(rtdc_ds=rtdc_ds)) header.append(mt) return header, values
[docs]def mode(data): """ Compute an intelligent value for the mode The most common value in experimental is not very useful if there are a lot of digits after the comma. This method approaches this issue by rounding to bin size that is determined by the Freedman–Diaconis rule. Parameters ---------- data : 1d ndarray The data for which the mode should be computed. Returns ------- mode : float The mode computed with the Freedman-Diaconis rule. """ # size n = data.shape[0] # interquartile range iqr = np.percentile(data, 75)-np.percentile(data, 25) # Freedman–Diaconis bin_size = 2 * iqr / n**(1/3) if bin_size == 0: return np.nan # Add bin_size/2, because we want the center of the bin and # not the left corner of the bin. databin = np.round(data/bin_size)*bin_size + bin_size/2 u, indices = np.unique(databin, return_inverse=True) mode = u[np.argmax(np.bincount(indices))] return mode
## Register all the methods # Methods that require an axis Statistics(name="Mean", req_feature=True, method=np.average) Statistics(name="Median", req_feature=True, method=np.median) Statistics(name="Mode", req_feature=True, method=mode) Statistics(name="SD", req_feature=True, method=np.std) # Methods that work on RTDCBase Statistics(name="Events", method=lambda mm: np.sum(mm._filter)) Statistics(name="%-gated", method=lambda mm: np.average(mm._filter)*100) Statistics(name="Flow rate", method=lambda mm: flow_rate(mm))