Source code for dclab.features.inert_ratio

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Computation of inertia ratio from contour data"""
from __future__ import division, print_function, unicode_literals

import numpy as np
import scipy.spatial as ssp

[docs]def get_inert_ratio_cvx(cont): """Compute the inertia ratio of the convex hull of a contour The inertia ratio is computed from the central second order of moments along x (mu20) and y (mu02) via `sqrt(mu20/mu02)`. Parameters ---------- cont: ndarray or list of ndarrays of shape (N,2) A 2D array that holds the contour of an event (in pixels) e.g. obtained using `mm.contour` where `mm` is an instance of `RTDCBase`. The first and second columns of `cont` correspond to the x- and y-coordinates of the contour. Returns ------- inert_ratio: float or ndarray of size N The inertia ratio of the contour Notes ----- The contour moments mu20 and mu02 are computed the same way they are computed in OpenCV's `moments.cpp`. See Also -------- get_inert_ratio_raw: Compute inertia ratio of a raw contour """ if isinstance(cont, np.ndarray): # If cont is an array, it is not a list of contours, # because contours can have different lengths. cont = [cont] ret_list = False else: ret_list = True length = len(cont) inert_ratio = np.zeros(length, dtype=float) * np.nan for ii in range(length): try: chull = ssp.ConvexHull(cont[ii]) except ssp.qhull.QhullError: pass else: hull = cont[ii][chull.vertices,:] inert_ratio[ii] = get_inert_ratio_raw(hull) if not ret_list: inert_ratio = inert_ratio[0] return inert_ratio
[docs]def get_inert_ratio_raw(cont): """Compute the inertia ratio of a contour The inertia ratio is computed from the central second order of moments along x (mu20) and y (mu02) via `sqrt(mu20/mu02)`. Parameters ---------- cont: ndarray or list of ndarrays of shape (N,2) A 2D array that holds the contour of an event (in pixels) e.g. obtained using `mm.contour` where `mm` is an instance of `RTDCBase`. The first and second columns of `cont` correspond to the x- and y-coordinates of the contour. Returns ------- inert_ratio: float or ndarray of size N The inertia ratio of the contour Notes ----- The contour moments mu20 and mu02 are computed the same way they are computed in OpenCV's `moments.cpp`. See Also -------- get_inert_ratio_cvx: Compute inertia ratio of the convex hull of a contour """ if isinstance(cont, np.ndarray): # If cont is an array, it is not a list of contours, # because contours can have different lengths. cont = [cont] ret_list = False else: ret_list = True length = len(cont) inert_ratio = np.zeros(length, dtype=float) * np.nan for ii in range(length): moments = cont_moments_cv(cont[ii]) if moments is not None: inert_ratio[ii] = np.sqrt(moments["mu20"]/moments["mu02"]) if not ret_list: inert_ratio = inert_ratio[0] return inert_ratio
def cont_moments_cv(cont, flt_epsilon=1.19209e-07, dbl_epsilon=2.2204460492503131e-16): """Compute the moments of a contour The moments are computed in the same way as they are computed in OpenCV's `contourMoments` in `moments.cpp`. Parameters ---------- cont: array of shape (N,2) The contour for which to compute the moments. flt_epsilon: float The value of ``FLT_EPSILON`` in OpenCV/gcc. dbl_epsilon: float The value of ``DBL_EPSILON`` in OpenCV/gcc. Returns ------- moments: dict A dictionary of moments. If the moment `m00` is smaller than half of `flt_epsilon`, `None` is returned. """ # Make sure we have no unsigned integers if np.issubdtype(cont.dtype, np.unsignedinteger): cont = cont.astype( xi = cont[:,0] yi = cont[:,1] xi_1 = np.roll(xi, -1) yi_1 = np.roll(yi, -1) xi_12 = xi_1**2 yi_12 = yi_1**2 xi2 = xi**2 yi2 = yi**2 dxy = xi_1 * yi - xi * yi_1 xii_1 = xi_1 + xi yii_1 = yi_1 + yi a00 = np.sum(dxy) a10 = np.sum(dxy * xii_1) a01 = np.sum(dxy * yii_1) a20 = np.sum(dxy * (xi_1 * xii_1 + xi2)) a11 = np.sum(dxy * (xi_1 * (yii_1 + yi_1) + xi * (yii_1 + yi))) a02 = np.sum(dxy * (yi_1 * yii_1 + yi2)) a30 = np.sum(dxy * xii_1 * (xi_12 + xi2)) a03 = np.sum(dxy * yii_1 * (yi_12 + yi2)) a21 = np.sum(dxy * (xi_12 * (3 * yi_1 + yi) + 2 * xi * xi_1 * yii_1 + xi2 * (yi_1 + 3 * yi))) a12 = np.sum(dxy * (yi_12 * (3 * xi_1 + xi) + 2 * yi * yi_1 * xii_1 + yi2 * (xi_1 + 3 * xi))) if abs(a00) > flt_epsilon: db1_2 = 0.5 db1_6 = 0.16666666666666666666666666666667 db1_12 = 0.083333333333333333333333333333333 db1_24 = 0.041666666666666666666666666666667 db1_20 = 0.05 db1_60 = 0.016666666666666666666666666666667 if a00 < 0: db1_2 *= -1 db1_6 *= -1 db1_12 *= -1 db1_24 *= -1 db1_20 *= -1 db1_60 *= -1 m = dict(m00 = a00 * db1_2, m10 = a10 * db1_6, m01 = a01 * db1_6, m20 = a20 * db1_12, m11 = a11 * db1_24, m02 = a02 * db1_12, m30 = a30 * db1_20, m21 = a21 * db1_60, m12 = a12 * db1_60, m03 = a03 * db1_20, ) if m["m00"] > dbl_epsilon: # Center of gravity cx = m["m10"]/m["m00"] cy = m["m01"]/m["m00"] else: cx = 0 cy = 0 # central second order moments m["mu20"] = m["m20"] - m["m10"]*cx m["mu11"] = m["m11"] - m["m10"]*cy m["mu02"] = m["m02"] - m["m01"]*cy m["mu30"] = m["m30"] - cx*(3*m["mu20"] + cx*m["m10"]) m["mu21"] = m["m21"] - cx*(2*m["mu11"] + cx*m["m01"]) - cy*m["mu20"] m["mu12"] = m["m12"] - cy*(2*m["mu11"] + cy*m["m10"]) - cx*m["mu02"] m["mu03"] = m["m03"] - cy*(3*m["mu02"] + cy*m["m01"]) return m else: return None