Command line interface


Convert RT-DC .tdms files to the hdf5-based .rtdc file format. Note: Do not delete original .tdms files after conversion. The conversion might be incomplete.

usage: dclab-tdms2rtdc [-h] [--compute-ancillary-features] tdms-path rtdc-path

Positional Arguments

tdms-path Input path (tdms file or folder containing tdms files)
rtdc-path Output path (file or folder), existing data will be overridden

Named Arguments


Compute features, such as volume or emodulus, that are otherwise computed on-the-fly. Use this if you want to minimize analysis time in e.g. ShapeOut. CAUTION: ancillary feature recipes might be subject to change (e.g. if an error is found in the recipe). Disabling this option maximizes compatibility with future versions and allows to isolate the original data.

Default: False


Check experimental datasets for completeness. Note that old measurements will most likely fail this verification step. This program is used to enforce data integrity with future implementations of RT-DC recording software (e.g. ShapeIn).

usage: dclab-verify-dataset [-h] path

Positional Arguments

path Path to experimental dataset