Source code for dclab.rtdc_dataset.export

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Export RT-DC measurement data"""
from __future__ import division, print_function, unicode_literals

import pathlib
import warnings

import imageio
import fcswrite
import numpy as np

from .. import definitions as dfn
from .write_hdf5 import write

[docs]class NoImageWarning(UserWarning): pass
[docs]class Export(object): def __init__(self, rtdc_ds): """Export functionalities for RT-DC datasets""" self.rtdc_ds = rtdc_ds
[docs] def avi(self, path, filtered=True, override=False): """Exports filtered event images to an avi file Parameters ---------- path: str Path to a .tsv file. The ending .tsv is added automatically. filtered: bool If set to `True`, only the filtered data (index in ds._filter) are used. override: bool If set to `True`, an existing file ``path`` will be overridden. If set to `False`, raises `OSError` if ``path`` exists. Notes ----- Raises OSError if current dataset does not contain image data """ path = pathlib.Path(path) ds = self.rtdc_ds # Make sure that path ends with .avi if path.suffix != ".avi": path = path.with_name( + ".avi") # Check if file already exist if not override and path.exists(): raise OSError("File already exists: {}\n".format( str(path).encode("ascii", "ignore")) + "Please use the `override=True` option.") # Start exporting if "image" in ds: # Open video for writing vout = imageio.get_writer(uri=path, format="FFMPEG", fps=25, codec="rawvideo", pixelformat="yuv420p", macro_block_size=None, ffmpeg_log_level="error") # write the filtered frames to avi file for evid in np.arange(len(ds)): # skip frames that were filtered out if filtered and not ds._filter[evid]: continue try: image = ds["image"][evid] except BaseException: warnings.warn("Could not read image {}!".format(evid), NoImageWarning) continue else: if np.isnan(image[0, 0]): # This is a nan-valued image image = np.zeros_like(image, dtype=np.uint8) # Convert image to RGB image = image.reshape(image.shape[0], image.shape[1], 1) image = np.repeat(image, 3, axis=2) vout.append_data(image) else: msg = "No image data to export: dataset {} !".format(ds.title) raise OSError(msg)
[docs] def fcs(self, path, features, filtered=True, override=False): """Export the data of an RT-DC dataset to an .fcs file Parameters ---------- mm: instance of dclab.RTDCBase The dataset that will be exported. path: str Path to a .tsv file. The ending .tsv is added automatically. features: list of str The features in the resulting .tsv file. These are strings that are defined in `dclab.definitions.scalar_feature_names`, e.g. "area_cvx", "deform", "frame", "fl1_max", "aspect". filtered: bool If set to `True`, only the filtered data (index in ds._filter) are used. override: bool If set to `True`, an existing file ``path`` will be overridden. If set to `False`, raises `OSError` if ``path`` exists. Notes ----- Due to incompatibility with the .fcs file format, all events with NaN-valued features are not exported. """ features = [c.lower() for c in features] ds = self.rtdc_ds path = pathlib.Path(path) # Make sure that path ends with .fcs if path.suffix != ".fcs": path = path.with_name( + ".fcs") # Check if file already exist if not override and path.exists(): raise OSError("File already exists: {}\n".format( str(path).encode("ascii", "ignore")) + "Please use the `override=True` option.") # Check that features are in dfn.scalar_feature_names for c in features: if c not in dfn.scalar_feature_names: msg = "Unknown or unsupported feature name: {}".format(c) raise ValueError(msg) # Collect the header chn_names = [dfn.feature_name2label[c] for c in features] # Collect the data if filtered: data = [ds[c][ds._filter] for c in features] else: data = [ds[c] for c in features] data = np.array(data).transpose() fcswrite.write_fcs(filename=str(path), chn_names=chn_names, data=data)
[docs] def hdf5(self, path, features, filtered=True, override=False, compression="gzip"): """Export the data of the current instance to an HDF5 file Parameters ---------- path: str Path to an .rtdc file. The ending .rtdc is added automatically. features: list of str The features in the resulting .tsv file. These are strings that are defined in `dclab.definitions.feature_names`, e.g. "area_cvx", "deform", "frame", "fl1_max", "image". filtered: bool If set to `True`, only the filtered data (index in ds._filter) are used. override: bool If set to `True`, an existing file ``path`` will be overridden. If set to `False`, raises `OSError` if ``path`` exists. compression: str or None Compression method for "contour", "image", and "trace" data as well as logs; one of [None, "lzf", "gzip", "szip"]. """ path = pathlib.Path(path) # Make sure that path ends with .rtdc if not path.suffix == ".rtdc": path = path.parent / ( + ".rtdc") # Check if file already exist if not override and path.exists(): raise OSError("File already exists: {}\n".format( str(path).encode("ascii", "ignore")) + "Please use the `override=True` option.") elif path.exists(): path.unlink() meta = {} # only export configuration meta data (no user-defined config) for sec in dfn.CFG_METADATA: if sec in ["fmt_tdms"]: # ignored sections continue if sec in self.rtdc_ds.config: meta[sec] = self.rtdc_ds.config[sec].copy() # update number of events if filtered: meta["experiment"]["event count"] = np.sum(self.rtdc_ds.filter.all) else: meta["experiment"]["event count"] = self.rtdc_ds.filter.all.size if filtered: filtarr = self.rtdc_ds.filter.all nev = np.sum(filtarr) else: nev = len(self.rtdc_ds) filtarr = np.ones(nev, dtype=bool) # write meta data with write(path_or_h5file=path, meta=meta, mode="append") as h5obj: # write each feature individually for feat in features: # event-wise, because # - tdms-based datasets don't allow indexing with numpy # - there might be memory issues if feat == "contour": cont_list = [] cmax = 0 for ii in range(len(self.rtdc_ds)): if filtarr[ii]: dat = self.rtdc_ds["contour"][ii] cont_list.append(dat) cmax = max(cmax, dat.max()) write(h5obj, data={"contour": cont_list}, mode="append", compression=compression) elif feat in ["mask", "image"]: # store image stacks (reduced file size and save time) m = 64 im0 = self.rtdc_ds[feat][0] imstack = np.zeros((m, im0.shape[0], im0.shape[1]), dtype=im0.dtype) jj = 0 for ii in range(len(self.rtdc_ds)): if filtarr[ii]: dat = self.rtdc_ds[feat][ii] imstack[jj] = dat if (jj + 1) % m == 0: jj = 0 write(h5obj, data={feat: imstack}, mode="append", compression=compression) else: jj += 1 # write rest if jj: write(h5obj, data={feat: imstack[:jj,:,:]}, mode="append", compression=compression) elif feat == "trace": for tr in self.rtdc_ds["trace"].keys(): tr0 = self.rtdc_ds["trace"][tr][0] trdat = np.zeros((nev, tr0.size), dtype=tr0.dtype) jj = 0 for ii in range(len(self.rtdc_ds)): if filtarr[ii]: trdat[jj] = self.rtdc_ds["trace"][tr][ii] jj += 1 write(h5obj, data={"trace": {tr: trdat}}, mode="append", compression=compression) else: write(h5obj, data={feat: self.rtdc_ds[feat][filtarr]}, mode="append")
[docs] def tsv(self, path, features, filtered=True, override=False): """Export the data of the current instance to a .tsv file Parameters ---------- path: str Path to a .tsv file. The ending .tsv is added automatically. features: list of str The features in the resulting .tsv file. These are strings that are defined in `dclab.definitions.scalar_feature_names`, e.g. "area_cvx", "deform", "frame", "fl1_max", "aspect". filtered: bool If set to `True`, only the filtered data (index in ds._filter) are used. override: bool If set to `True`, an existing file ``path`` will be overridden. If set to `False`, raises `OSError` if ``path`` exists. """ features = [c.lower() for c in features] path = pathlib.Path(path) ds = self.rtdc_ds # Make sure that path ends with .tsv if path.suffix != ".tsv": path = path.with_name( + ".tsv") # Check if file already exist if not override and path.exists(): raise OSError("File already exists: {}\n".format( str(path).encode("ascii", "ignore")) + "Please use the `override=True` option.") # Check that features are in dfn.scalar_feature_names for c in features: if c not in dfn.scalar_feature_names: raise ValueError("Unknown feature name {}".format(c)) # Open file with"w") as fd: # write header header1 = "\t".join([c for c in features]) fd.write("# "+header1+"\n") header2 = "\t".join([dfn.feature_name2label[c] for c in features]) fd.write("# "+header2+"\n") with"ab") as fd: # write data if filtered: data = [ds[c][ds._filter] for c in features] else: data = [ds[c] for c in features] np.savetxt(fd, np.array(data).transpose(), fmt=str("%.10e"), delimiter="\t")