Source code for dclab.kde_methods

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Kernel Density Estimation methods"""
from __future__ import division, print_function, unicode_literals

import numpy as np
from scipy.interpolate import RectBivariateSpline
from scipy.stats import gaussian_kde, skew
from statsmodels.nonparametric.kernel_density import KDEMultivariate

from .cached import Cache

[docs]def bin_num_doane(a): """Compute number of bins based on Doane's formula""" bad = np.isnan(a) | np.isinf(a) data = a[~bad] acc = bin_width_doane(a) num = - data.min()) / acc)) return num
[docs]def bin_width_doane(a): """Compute accuracy (bin width) based on Doane's formula References ---------- - `<>`_ - `< doanes-formula-for-histogram-binning>`_ """ bad = np.isnan(a) | np.isinf(a) data = a[~bad] n = data.size g1 = skew(data) sigma_g1 = np.sqrt(6 * (n - 2) / ((n + 1) * (n + 3))) k = 1 + np.log2(n) + np.log2(1 + np.abs(g1) / sigma_g1) acc = (data.max() - data.min()) / k return acc
[docs]def get_bad_vals(x, y): return np.isnan(x) | np.isinf(x) | np.isnan(y) | np.isinf(y)
[docs]def ignore_nan_inf(kde_method): """Ignores nans and infs from the input data Invalid positions in the resulting density are set to nan. """ def new_kde_method(events_x, events_y, xout=None, yout=None, *args, **kwargs): bad_in = get_bad_vals(events_x, events_y) if xout is None: density = np.zeros_like(events_x, dtype=float) bad_out = bad_in xo = yo = None else: density = np.zeros_like(xout, dtype=float) bad_out = get_bad_vals(xout, yout) xo = xout[~bad_out] yo = yout[~bad_out] # Filter events ev_x = events_x[~bad_in] ev_y = events_y[~bad_in] density[~bad_out] = kde_method(ev_x, ev_y, xo, yo, *args, **kwargs) density[bad_out] = np.nan return density doc_add = "\n Notes\n" +\ " -----\n" +\ " This is a wrapped version that ignores nan and inf values." new_kde_method.__doc__ = kde_method.__doc__ + doc_add return new_kde_method
[docs]@ignore_nan_inf @Cache def kde_gauss(events_x, events_y, xout=None, yout=None): """ Gaussian Kernel Density Estimation Parameters ---------- events_x, events_y: 1D ndarray The input points for kernel density estimation. Input is flattened automatically. xout, yout: ndarray The coordinates at which the KDE should be computed. If set to none, input coordinates are used. Returns ------- density: ndarray, same shape as `xout` The KDE for the points in (xout, yout) See Also -------- `scipy.stats.gaussian_kde` """ valid_combi = ((xout is None and yout is None) or (xout is not None and yout is not None) ) if not valid_combi: raise ValueError("Both `xout` and `yout` must be (un)set.") if yout is None and yout is None: xout = events_x yout = events_y try: estimator = gaussian_kde([events_x.flatten(), events_y.flatten()]) density = estimator.evaluate([xout.flatten(), yout.flatten()]) except np.linalg.LinAlgError: # LinAlgError occurs when matrix to solve is singular (issue #117) density = np.zeros(xout.shape)*np.nan return density.reshape(xout.shape)
[docs]@ignore_nan_inf @Cache def kde_histogram(events_x, events_y, xout=None, yout=None, bins=None): """ Histogram-based Kernel Density Estimation Parameters ---------- events_x, events_y: 1D ndarray The input points for kernel density estimation. Input is flattened automatically. xout, yout: ndarray The coordinates at which the KDE should be computed. If set to none, input coordinates are used. bins: tuple (binsx, binsy) The number of bins to use for the histogram. Returns ------- density: ndarray, same shape as `xout` The KDE for the points in (xout, yout) See Also -------- `numpy.histogram2d` `scipy.interpolate.RectBivariateSpline` """ valid_combi = ((xout is None and yout is None) or (xout is not None and yout is not None) ) if not valid_combi: raise ValueError("Both `xout` and `yout` must be (un)set.") if yout is None and yout is None: xout = events_x yout = events_y if bins is None: bins = (max(5, bin_num_doane(events_x)), max(5, bin_num_doane(events_y))) # Compute the histogram hist2d, xedges, yedges = np.histogram2d(x=events_x, y=events_y, bins=bins, normed=True) xip = xedges[1:]-(xedges[1]-xedges[0])/2 yip = yedges[1:]-(yedges[1]-yedges[0])/2 estimator = RectBivariateSpline(x=xip, y=yip, z=hist2d) density = estimator.ev(xout, yout) density[density < 0] = 0 return density.reshape(xout.shape)
[docs]def kde_none(events_x, events_y, xout=None, yout=None): """ No Kernel Density Estimation Parameters ---------- events_x, events_y: 1D ndarray The input points for kernel density estimation. Input is flattened automatically. xout, yout: ndarray The coordinates at which the KDE should be computed. If set to none, input coordinates are used. Returns ------- density: ndarray, same shape as `xout` The KDE for the points in (xout, yout) Notes ----- This method is a convenience method that always returns ones in the shape that the other methods in this module produce. """ valid_combi = ((xout is None and yout is None) or (xout is not None and yout is not None) ) if not valid_combi: raise ValueError("Both `xout` and `yout` must be (un)set.") if yout is None and yout is None: xout = events_x yout = events_y return np.ones(xout.shape)
[docs]@ignore_nan_inf @Cache def kde_multivariate(events_x, events_y, xout=None, yout=None, bw=None): """ Multivariate Kernel Density Estimation Parameters ---------- events_x, events_y: 1D ndarray The input points for kernel density estimation. Input is flattened automatically. bw: tuple (bwx, bwy) or None The bandwith for kernel density estimation. xout, yout: ndarray The coordinates at which the KDE should be computed. If set to none, input coordinates are used. Returns ------- density: ndarray, same shape as `xout` The KDE for the points in (xout, yout) See Also -------- `statsmodels.nonparametric.kernel_density.KDEMultivariate` """ valid_combi = ((xout is None and yout is None) or (xout is not None and yout is not None) ) if not valid_combi: raise ValueError("Both `xout` and `yout` must be (un)set.") if yout is None and yout is None: xout = events_x yout = events_y if bw is None: # divide by 2 to make it comparable to histogram KDE bw = (bin_width_doane(events_x) / 2, bin_width_doane(events_y) / 2) positions = np.vstack([xout.flatten(), yout.flatten()]) estimator_ly = KDEMultivariate(data=[events_x.flatten(), events_y.flatten()], var_type='cc', bw=bw) density = estimator_ly.pdf(positions) return density.reshape(xout.shape)
methods = {"gauss": kde_gauss, "histogram": kde_histogram, "none": kde_none, "multivariate": kde_multivariate}