Data processing


For data visualization, dclab comes with predefined kernel density estimators (KDEs) and an event downsampling module. The functionalities of both modules are made available directly via the RTDCBase class.

KDE scatter plot

The KDE of the events in a 2D scatter plot can be used to colorize events according to event density using the RTDCBase.get_kde_scatter function.

import matplotlib.pylab as plt
import dclab
ds = dclab.new_dataset("data/example.rtdc")
kde = ds.get_kde_scatter(xax="area_um", yax="deform")

ax = plt.subplot(111, title="scatter plot with {} events".format(len(kde)))
sc = ax.scatter(ds["area_um"], ds["deform"], c=kde, marker=".")
ax.set_xlim(0, 150)
ax.set_ylim(0.01, 0.12)
plt.colorbar(sc, label="kernel density estimate [a.u]")

(Source code, png, hires.png, pdf)


KDE scatter plot with event-density-based downsampling

To reduce the complexity of the plot (e.g. when exporting to scalable vector graphics (.svg)), the plotted events can be downsampled by removing events from high-event-density regions. The number of events plotted is reduced but the resulting visualization is almost indistinguishable from the one above.

import matplotlib.pylab as plt
import dclab
ds = dclab.new_dataset("data/example.rtdc")
xsamp, ysamp = ds.get_downsampled_scatter(xax="area_um", yax="deform", downsample=2000)
kde = ds.get_kde_scatter(xax="area_um", yax="deform", positions=(xsamp, ysamp))

ax = plt.subplot(111, title="downsampled to {} events".format(len(kde)))
sc = ax.scatter(xsamp, ysamp, c=kde, marker=".")
ax.set_xlim(0, 150)
ax.set_ylim(0.01, 0.12)
plt.colorbar(sc, label="kernel density estimate [a.u]")

(Source code, png, hires.png, pdf)


KDE estimate on a log-scale

Frequently, data is visualized on logarithmic scales. If the KDE is computed on a linear scale, then the result will look unaesthetic when plotted on a logarithmic scale. Therefore, the methods get_downsampled_scatter, get_kde_contour, and get_kde_scatter offer the keyword arguments xscale and yscale which can be set to “log” for prettier plots.

import matplotlib.pylab as plt
import dclab
ds = dclab.new_dataset("data/example.rtdc")
kde_lin = ds.get_kde_scatter(xax="area_um", yax="deform", yscale="linear")
kde_log = ds.get_kde_scatter(xax="area_um", yax="deform", yscale="log")

ax1 = plt.subplot(121, title="KDE with linear y-scale")
sc1 = ax1.scatter(ds["area_um"], ds["deform"], c=kde_lin, marker=".")

ax2 = plt.subplot(122, title="KDE with logarithmic y-scale")
sc2 = ax2.scatter(ds["area_um"], ds["deform"], c=kde_log, marker=".")

for ax in [ax1, ax2]:
    ax.set_xlim(0, 150)
    ax.set_ylim(6e-3, 3e-1)

(Source code, png, hires.png, pdf)


Isoelasticity lines

In addition, dclab comes with predefined isoelasticity lines that are commonly used to identify events with similar elastic moduli. Isoelasticity lines are available via the isoelastics module.

import matplotlib.pylab as plt
import dclab
ds = dclab.new_dataset("data/example.rtdc")
kde = ds.get_kde_scatter(xax="area_um", yax="deform")

isodef = dclab.isoelastics.get_default()
iso = isodef.get_with_rtdcbase(method="numerical",

ax = plt.subplot(111, title="isoelastics")
for ss in iso:
    ax.plot(ss[:, 0], ss[:, 1], color="gray", zorder=1)
sc = ax.scatter(ds["area_um"], ds["deform"], c=kde, marker=".", zorder=2)
ax.set_xlim(0, 150)
ax.set_ylim(0.01, 0.12)
plt.colorbar(sc, label="kernel density estimate [a.u]")

(Source code, png, hires.png, pdf)


Contour plot

Contour plots are commonly used to compare the kernel density between measurements. Kernel density estimates (on a grid) for contour plots can be computed with the function RTDCBase.get_kde_contour.

import matplotlib.pylab as plt
import dclab
ds = dclab.new_dataset("data/example.rtdc")
X, Y, Z = ds.get_kde_contour(xax="area_um", yax="deform")
Z /= Z.max()

ax = plt.subplot(111, title="contour lines")
sc = ax.scatter(ds["area_um"], ds["deform"], c="lightgray", marker=".", zorder=1)
cn = ax.contour(X, Y, Z,
                levels=[.03, .2, .75],
                linestyles=["--", "-", "-"],
                colors=["blue", "blue", "darkblue"],
                linewidths=[2, 2, 3],

ax.set_xlim(0, 150)
ax.set_ylim(0.01, 0.12)
plt.clabel(cn, fmt="%.2f")

(Source code, png, hires.png, pdf)



The statistics module comes with a predefined set of methods to compute simple feature statistics.

In [1]: import dclab

In [2]: ds = dclab.new_dataset("data/example.rtdc")

In [3]: stats = dclab.statistics.get_statistics(ds,
   ...:                                         features=["deform", "aspect"],
   ...:                                         methods=["Mode", "Mean", "SD"])

In [4]: dict(zip(*stats))
{'Mean Aspect ratio of bounding box': 1.2719607,
 'Mean Deformation': 0.0287258,
 'Mode Aspect ratio of bounding box': 1.1091422,
 'Mode Deformation': 0.016635261,
 'SD Aspect ratio of bounding box': 0.25233853,
 'SD Deformation': 0.028740086}

Note that the statistics take into account the applied filters:

In [5]: ds.config["filtering"]["deform max"] = .1

In [6]: ds.apply_filter()

In [7]: stats2 = dclab.statistics.get_statistics(ds,
   ...:                                          features=["deform", "aspect"],
   ...:                                          methods=["Mode", "Mean", "SD"])

In [8]: dict(zip(*stats2))
{'Mean Aspect ratio of bounding box': 1.2407207,
 'Mean Deformation': 0.02476519,
 'Mode Aspect ratio of bounding box': 1.1232222,
 'Mode Deformation': 0.017006295,
 'SD Aspect ratio of bounding box': 0.15993708,
 'SD Deformation': 0.015638638}

These are the available statistics methods:

In [9]: dclab.statistics.Statistics.available_methods.keys()
Out[9]: dict_keys(['Median', 'Mean', 'SD', '%-gated', 'Mode', 'Flow rate', 'Events'])


The RTDCBase class has the attribute RTDCBase.export which allows to export event data to several data file formats. See export for more information.

In [10]: ds.export.tsv(path="export_example.tsv",
   ....:               features=["area_um", "deform"],
   ....:               filtered=True,
   ....:               override=True)

In [11]: ds.export.hdf5(path="export_example.rtdc",
   ....:                features=["area_um", "aspect", "deform"],
   ....:                filtered=True,
   ....:                override=True)

Note that data exported as HDF5 files can be loaded with dclab (reproducing the previously computed statistics - without filters).

In [12]: ds2 = dclab.new_dataset("export_example.rtdc")

In [13]: ds2["deform"].mean()
Out[13]: 0.02476519


Keep in mind that you can combine your dclab analysis pipeline with Shape-Out. For instance, you can create and export polygon filters in Shape-Out and then import them in dclab.

import matplotlib.pylab as plt
import dclab
ds = dclab.new_dataset("data/example.rtdc")
kde = ds.get_kde_scatter(xax="area_um", yax="deform")
# load and apply polygon filter from file
pf = dclab.PolygonFilter(filename="data/example.poly")
# valid events
val = ds.filter.all

ax = plt.subplot(111, title="polygon filtering")
ax.scatter(ds["area_um"][~val], ds["deform"][~val], c="lightgray", marker=".")
sc = ax.scatter(ds["area_um"][val], ds["deform"][val], c=kde[val], marker=".")
ax.set_xlim(0, 150)
ax.set_ylim(0.01, 0.12)
plt.colorbar(sc, label="kernel density estimate [a.u]")

(Source code, png, hires.png, pdf)
