Source code for dclab.rtdc_dataset.export

"""Export RT-DC measurement data"""
from __future__ import annotations

import codecs
import pathlib
from typing import Dict, List
import uuid
import warnings

import h5py
import hdf5plugin

    import imageio
except ModuleNotFoundError:

    import fcswrite
except ModuleNotFoundError:

import numpy as np

from .. import definitions as dfn
from .._version import version

from .feat_basin import get_basin_classes
from .writer import RTDCWriter

[docs] class LimitingExportSizeWarning(UserWarning): pass
[docs] class Export(object): def __init__(self, rtdc_ds): """Export functionalities for RT-DC datasets""" self.rtdc_ds = rtdc_ds
[docs] def avi(self, path, filtered=True, override=False): """Exports filtered event images to an avi file Parameters ---------- path: str Path to a .avi file. The ending .avi is added automatically. filtered: bool If set to `True`, only the filtered data (index in ds.filter.all) are used. override: bool If set to `True`, an existing file ``path`` will be overridden. If set to `False`, raises `OSError` if ``path`` exists. Notes ----- Raises OSError if current dataset does not contain image data """ if not IMAGEIO_AVAILABLE: raise ModuleNotFoundError( "Package `imageio` required for avi export!") path = pathlib.Path(path) ds = self.rtdc_ds # Make sure that path ends with .avi if path.suffix != ".avi": path = path.with_name( + ".avi") # Check if file already exist if not override and path.exists(): raise OSError("File already exists: {}\n".format( str(path).encode("ascii", "ignore")) + "Please use the `override=True` option.") # Start exporting if "image" in ds: # Open video for writing vout = imageio.get_writer(uri=path, format="FFMPEG", fps=25, codec="rawvideo", pixelformat="yuv420p", macro_block_size=None, ffmpeg_log_level="error") # write the filtered frames to avi file for evid in np.arange(len(ds)): # skip frames that were filtered out if filtered and not ds.filter.all[evid]: continue image = ds["image"][evid] # Convert image to RGB image = image.reshape(image.shape[0], image.shape[1], 1) image = np.repeat(image, 3, axis=2) vout.append_data(image) else: msg = "No image data to export: dataset {} !".format(ds.title) raise OSError(msg)
[docs] def fcs(self, path, features, meta_data=None, filtered=True, override=False): """Export the data of an RT-DC dataset to an .fcs file Parameters ---------- path: str Path to an .fcs file. The ending .fcs is added automatically. features: list of str The features in the resulting .fcs file. These are strings that are defined by `dclab.definitions.scalar_feature_exists`, e.g. "area_cvx", "deform", "frame", "fl1_max", "aspect". meta_data: dict User-defined, optional key-value pairs that are stored in the primary TEXT segment of the FCS file; the version of dclab is stored there by default filtered: bool If set to `True`, only the filtered data (index in ds.filter.all) are used. override: bool If set to `True`, an existing file ``path`` will be overridden. If set to `False`, raises `OSError` if ``path`` exists. Notes ----- Due to incompatibility with the .fcs file format, all events with NaN-valued features are not exported. """ if meta_data is None: meta_data = {} if not FCSWRITE_AVAILABLE: raise ModuleNotFoundError( "Package `fcswrite` required for fcs export!") ds = self.rtdc_ds path = pathlib.Path(path) # Make sure that path ends with .fcs if path.suffix != ".fcs": path = path.with_name( + ".fcs") # Check if file already exist if not override and path.exists(): raise OSError("File already exists: {}\n".format( str(path).encode("ascii", "ignore")) + "Please use the `override=True` option.") # Check that features are valid for c in features: if c not in ds.features_scalar: msg = "Invalid feature name: {}".format(c) raise ValueError(msg) # Collect the header chn_names = [dfn.get_feature_label(c, rtdc_ds=ds) for c in features] # Collect the data if filtered: data = [ds[c][ds.filter.all] for c in features] else: data = [ds[c] for c in features] data = np.array(data).transpose() meta_data["dclab version"] = version fcswrite.write_fcs(filename=str(path), chn_names=chn_names, data=data, text_kw_pr=meta_data, )
[docs] def hdf5(self, path: str | pathlib.Path, features: List[str] = None, filtered: bool = True, logs: bool = False, tables: bool = False, basins: bool = False, meta_prefix: str = "src_", override: bool = False, compression_kwargs: Dict = None, compression: str = "deprecated", skip_checks: bool = False): """Export the data of the current instance to an HDF5 file Parameters ---------- path: str Path to an .rtdc file. The ending .rtdc is added automatically. features: list of str The features in the resulting .rtdc file. These are strings that are defined by `dclab.definitions.feature_exists`, e.g. "area_cvx", "deform", "frame", "fl1_max", "image". Defaults to `self.rtdc_ds.features_innate`. filtered: bool If set to `True`, only the filtered data (index in ds.filter.all) are used. logs: bool Whether to store the logs of the original file prefixed with `source_` to the output file. tables: bool Whether to store the tables of the original file prefixed with `source_` to the output file. basins: bool Whether to export basins. If filtering is disabled, basins are copied directly to the output file. If filtering is enabled, then mapped basins are exported. meta_prefix: str Prefix for log and table names in the exported file override: bool If set to `True`, an existing file ``path`` will be overridden. If set to `False`, raises `OSError` if ``path`` exists. compression_kwargs: dict Dictionary with the keys "compression" and "compression_opts" which are passed to :func:`h5py.H5File.create_dataset`. The default is Zstandard compression with the lowest compression level `hdf5plugin.Zstd(clevel=1)`. compression: str or None Compression method used for data storage; one of [None, "lzf", "gzip", "szip"]. .. deprecated:: 0.43.0 Use `compression_kwargs` instead. skip_checks: bool Disable checking whether all features have the same length. .. versionchanged:: 0.58.0 The ``basins`` keyword argument was added, and it is now possible to pass an empty list to ``features``. This combination results in a very small file consisting of metadata and a mapped basin referring to the original dataset. """ if compression != "deprecated": warnings.warn("The `compression` kwarg is deprecated in favor of " "`compression_kwargs`!", DeprecationWarning) if compression_kwargs is not None: raise ValueError("You may not specify `compression` and " "`compression_kwargs` at the same time!") # be backwards-compatible compression_kwargs = {"compression": compression} if compression_kwargs is None: compression_kwargs = hdf5plugin.Zstd(clevel=1) path = pathlib.Path(path) # Make sure that path ends with .rtdc if path.suffix not in [".rtdc", ".rtdc~"]: path = path.parent / ( + ".rtdc") # Check if file already exists if not override and path.exists(): raise OSError("File already exists: {}\n".format(path) + "Please use the `override=True` option.") elif path.exists(): path.unlink() # make sure the parent directory exists path.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) # for convenience ds = self.rtdc_ds if features is None: features = ds.features_innate # decide which metadata to export meta = {} # only cfg metadata (no analysis metadata) for sec in dfn.CFG_METADATA: if sec in ds.config: meta[sec] = ds.config[sec].copy() # add user-defined metadata if "user" in ds.config: meta["user"] = ds.config["user"].copy() if filtered: # Define a new measurement identifier, so that we are not running # into any problems with basins being defined for filtered data. ds_run_id = ds.get_measurement_identifier() random_ap = str(uuid.uuid4())[:4] meta["experiment"]["run identifier"] = f"{ds_run_id}-{random_ap}" if filtered: filter_arr = ds.filter.all else: filter_arr = None if not skip_checks and features: # check that all features have same length and use the smallest # common length lengths = [] for feat in features: if feat == "trace": for tr in list(ds["trace"].keys()): lengths.append(len(ds["trace"][tr])) else: lengths.append(len(ds[feat])) l_min = np.min(lengths) l_max = np.max(lengths) if l_min != l_max: if filter_arr is None: # we are forced to do filtering filter_arr = np.ones(len(ds), dtype=bool) else: # have to create a copy, because rtdc_ds.filter.all is ro! filter_arr = np.copy(filter_arr) filter_arr[l_min:] = False warnings.warn( "Not all features have the same length! Limiting output " + f"event count to {l_min} (max {l_max}) in '{l_min}'.", LimitingExportSizeWarning) # Perform actual export with RTDCWriter(path, mode="append", compression_kwargs=compression_kwargs) as hw: # write meta data hw.store_metadata(meta) if logs: # write logs for log in ds.logs: hw.store_log(f"{meta_prefix}{log}", ds.logs[log]) if tables: # write tables for tab in ds.tables: hw.store_table(f"{meta_prefix}{tab}", ds.tables[tab]) # write each feature individually for feat in features: if (filter_arr is None or # This does not work for the .tdms file format # (and probably also not for DCOR). (np.all(filter_arr) and ds.format == "hdf5")): # We do not have to filter and can be fast if dfn.scalar_feature_exists(feat): shape = (1,) elif feat in ["image", "image_bg", "mask", "trace"]: # known shape shape = None else: shape = np.array(ds[feat][0]).shape hw.store_feature(feat=feat, data=ds[feat], shape=shape) else: # We have to filter and will be slower store_filtered_feature(rtdc_writer=hw, feat=feat, data=ds[feat], filtarr=filter_arr) if basins: # We have to store basins. There are three options: # - filtering disabled: just copy basins # - filtering enabled # - basins with "same" mapping: create new mapping # - mapped basins: correct nested mapping # In addition to the basins that we copy from the # original dataset, we also create a new basin that # refers to the original dataset itself. basin_list = [bn.as_dict() for bn in ds.basins] # In addition to the upstream basins, also store a reference # to the original file from which the export was done. if ds.format in get_basin_classes(): # The dataset has a format that matches a basin format # directly. basin_is_local = ds.format == "hdf5" basin_locs = [ds.path] if basin_is_local: # So the user can put them into the same directory. basin_locs.append( basin_list.append({ "basin_name": "Exported data", "basin_type": "file" if basin_is_local else "remote", "basin_format": ds.format, "basin_locs": basin_locs, "basin_descr": f"Exported with dclab {version}", }) elif (ds.format == "hierarchy" and ds.get_root_parent().format in get_basin_classes()): # avoid circular imports from .fmt_hierarchy import map_indices_child2root # The dataset is a hierarchy child, and it is derived # from a dataset that has a matching basin format. # We have to add the indices of the root parent, which # identify the child, to the basin dictionary. Note # that additional basin filtering is applied below # this case for all basins. # For the sake of clarity I wrote this as a separate case, # even if that means duplicating code from the previous # case. ds_root = ds.get_root_parent() basin_is_local = ds_root.format == "hdf5" basin_locs = [ds_root.path] if basin_is_local: # So the user can put them into the same directory. basin_locs.append( basin_list.append({ "basin_name": "Exported data (hierarchy)", "basin_type": "file" if basin_is_local else "remote", "basin_format": ds_root.format, "basin_locs": basin_locs, "basin_descr": f"Exported with dclab {version} from a " f"hierarchy dataset", # This is where this basin differs from the basin # definition in the previous case. "basin_map": map_indices_child2root( child=ds, child_indices=np.arange(len(ds)) ), }) for bn_dict in basin_list: basinmap_orig = bn_dict.get("basin_map") if not filtered: # filtering disabled: just copy basins pass elif basinmap_orig is None: # basins with "same" mapping: create new mapping bn_dict["basin_map"] = np.where(filter_arr)[0] else: # mapped basins: correct nested mapping bn_dict["basin_map"] = basinmap_orig[filter_arr] # Do not verify basins, it takes too long. hw.store_basin(**bn_dict, verify=False)
[docs] def tsv(self, path, features, meta_data=None, filtered=True, override=False): """Export the data of the current instance to a .tsv file Parameters ---------- path: str Path to a .tsv file. The ending .tsv is added automatically. features: list of str The features in the resulting .tsv file. These are strings that are defined by `dclab.definitions.scalar_feature_exists`, e.g. "area_cvx", "deform", "frame", "fl1_max", "aspect". meta_data: dict User-defined, optional key-value pairs that are stored at the beginning of the tsv file - one key-value pair is stored per line which starts with a hash. The version of dclab is stored there by default. filtered: bool If set to `True`, only the filtered data (index in ds.filter.all) are used. override: bool If set to `True`, an existing file ``path`` will be overridden. If set to `False`, raises `OSError` if ``path`` exists. """ if meta_data is None: meta_data = {} features = [c.lower() for c in features] path = pathlib.Path(path) ds = self.rtdc_ds # Make sure that path ends with .tsv if path.suffix != ".tsv": path = path.with_name( + ".tsv") # Check if file already exist if not override and path.exists(): raise OSError("File already exists: {}\n".format( str(path).encode("ascii", "ignore")) + "Please use the `override=True` option.") # Check that features exist for c in features: if c not in ds.features_scalar: raise ValueError("Invalid feature name {}".format(c)) meta_data["dclab version"] = version # Write BOM header with"wb") as fd: fd.write(codecs.BOM_UTF8) # Open file with"a", encoding="utf-8") as fd: # write meta data for key in sorted(meta_data.keys()): fd.write(f"# {key}: {meta_data[key]}\n") fd.write("#\n") fd.write("# Original dataset configuration:\n") cfg = self.rtdc_ds.config.as_dict() for sec in sorted(cfg.keys()): for key in sorted(cfg[sec].keys()): fd.write(f"# dc:{sec}:{key} = {cfg[sec][key]}\n") fd.write("#\n") # write header header1 = "\t".join([c for c in features]) fd.write("# "+header1+"\n") labels = [dfn.get_feature_label(c, rtdc_ds=ds) for c in features] header2 = "\t".join(labels) fd.write("# "+header2+"\n") with"ab") as fd: # write data if filtered: data = [ds[c][ds.filter.all] for c in features] else: data = [ds[c] for c in features] np.savetxt(fd, np.array(data).transpose(), fmt=str("%.10e"), delimiter="\t")
def yield_filtered_array_stacks(data, indices): """Generator returning chunks with the filtered feature data Parameters ---------- data: np.ndarray or h5py.Dataset The full, unfiltered input feature data. Must implement the `shape` and `dtype` properties. If it implements the `__array__` method, fast slicing is used. indices: np.ndarray or list The indices (integer values) for `data` (first axis), indicating which elements should be returned by this generator. Notes ----- This method works with any feature dimension (e.g. it works for image (2D) data and for trace data (1D)). It is just important that `data` is indexable using integers and that the events in `data` all have the same shape. The dtype of the returned chunks is determined by the first item in `data`. This method works with sliceable (e.g. np.ndarray) and non-sliceable (e.g. tdms-format-based images) input data. If the input data is sliceable (which is determined by the availability of the `__array__` method, then fast numpy sclicing is used. If the input data does not support slicing (`__array__` not defined), then a slow iteration over `indices` is done. In the slow iteration case, the returned array data are overridden in-place. If you need to retain a copy of the `yield`ed chunks, apply `np.array(.., copy=True)` to the returned chunks. """ chunk_shape = RTDCWriter.get_best_nd_chunks(item_shape=data.shape[1:], item_dtype=data.dtype) chunk_size = chunk_shape[0] if hasattr(data, "__array__"): # We have an array-like object and can do slicing with the indexing # array. This speeds up chunk creation for e.g. the HDF5 file format # where all data are present in an array-like fashion. indices = np.array(indices) stop = 0 for kk in range(len(indices) // chunk_size): start = chunk_size * kk stop = chunk_size * (kk + 1) yield data[indices[start:stop]] if stop < len(indices): yield data[indices[stop:]] else: # assemble filtered image stacks chunk = np.zeros(chunk_shape, dtype=data.dtype) jj = 0 for ii in indices: chunk[jj] = data[ii] if (jj + 1) % chunk_size == 0: jj = 0 yield chunk else: jj += 1 # yield remainder if jj: yield chunk[:jj] def store_filtered_feature(rtdc_writer, feat, data, filtarr): """Append filtered feature data to an HDF5 file Parameters ---------- rtdc_writer: dclab.rtdc_dataset.writer.RTDCWriter an open writer object feat: str feature name data: object or list or np.ndarray or dict feature data filtarr: boolean np.ndarray filtering array (same as RTDCBase.filter.all) Notes ----- This code is somewhat redundant to the code of RTDCWriter. """ indices = np.where(filtarr)[0] if indices.size == 0: warnings.warn(f"No data to export to '{rtdc_writer.path}'") return hw = rtdc_writer if not hw.mode == "append": raise ValueError("The `rtdc_writer` object must be created with" + f"`mode='append'`, got '{hw.mode}' for '{hw}'!") # event-wise, because # - tdms-based datasets don't allow indexing with numpy # - there might be memory issues if feat == "contour": for ii in indices: hw.store_feature("contour", data[ii]) elif feat in ["mask", "image", "image_bg"]: # assemble filtered image stacks for imstack in yield_filtered_array_stacks(data, indices): hw.store_feature(feat, imstack) elif feat == "trace": # assemble filtered trace stacks for tr in data.keys(): for trstack in yield_filtered_array_stacks(data[tr], indices): hw.store_feature("trace", {tr: trstack}) elif dfn.scalar_feature_exists(feat): hw.store_feature(feat, data[filtarr]) else: # Special case of plugin or temporary features. shape = data[0].shape for dstack in yield_filtered_array_stacks(data, indices): hw.store_feature(feat, dstack, shape=shape) def hdf5_append(h5obj, rtdc_ds, feat, compression, filtarr=None, time_offset=0): """Append feature data to an HDF5 file Parameters ---------- h5obj: h5py.File Opened HDF5 file rtdc_ds: dclab.rtdc_dataset.RTDCBase Instance from which to obtain the data feat: str Valid feature name in `rtdc_ds` compression: str or None Compression method for "contour", "image", and "trace" data as well as logs; one of [None, "lzf", "gzip", "szip"]. filtarr: None or 1d boolean np.ndarray Optional boolean array used for filtering. If set to `None`, all events are saved. time_offset: float Do not use! Please use `dclab.cli.task_join.join` instead. Notes ----- Please update the "experiment::event count" attribute manually. You may use :func:`dclab.rtdc_dataset.writer.RTDCWriter.rectify_metadata` for that or use the `RTDCWriter` context manager where it is automatically run during `__exit__`. """ # optional array for filtering events if filtarr is None: filtarr = np.ones(len(rtdc_ds), dtype=bool) no_filter = True else: no_filter = False warnings.warn("`hdf5_append` is deptecated; please use " " the dclab.RTDCWriter context manager or the " " export.store_filtered_feature function.", DeprecationWarning) if time_offset != 0: raise ValueError("Setting `time_offset` not supported anymore! " "Please use `dclab.cli.task_join.join` instead.") # writer instance hw = RTDCWriter(h5obj, mode="append", compression=compression) if no_filter: hw.store_feature(feat, rtdc_ds[feat]) else: store_filtered_feature(rtdc_writer=hw, feat=feat, data=rtdc_ds[feat], filtarr=filtarr) def hdf5_autocomplete_config(path_or_h5obj): """Autocomplete the configuration of the RTDC-measurement The following configuration keys are updated: - experiment:event count - fluorescence:samples per event - imaging: roi size x (if image or mask is given) - imaging: roi size y (if image or mask is given) The following configuration keys are added if not present: - fluorescence:channel count Parameters ---------- path_or_h5obj: pathlib.Path or str or h5py.File Path to or opened RT-DC measurement """ warnings.warn("`hdf5_autocomplete_config` is deptecated; please use " " the dclab.RTDCWriter context manager or the " " dclab.RTDCWriter.rectify_metadata function.", DeprecationWarning) if not isinstance(path_or_h5obj, h5py.File): close = True else: close = False hw = RTDCWriter(path_or_h5obj, mode="append") hw.rectify_metadata() if close: path_or_h5obj.close()