Source code for dclab.rtdc_dataset.feat_anc_ml.hook_tensorflow.tf_dataset

"""tensorflow helper functions for RT-DC data"""
import numpy as np

from .... import definitions as dfn

from ...load import new_dataset

from ..ml_libs import import_or_mock_package

tf = import_or_mock_package("tensorflow", "2.0")

[docs] def assemble_tf_dataset_scalars(dc_data, feature_inputs, labels=None, split=0.0, shuffle=True, batch_size=32, dtype=np.float32): """Assemble a `` for scalar features Scalar feature data are loaded directly into memory. Parameters ---------- dc_data: list of pathlib.Path, str, or dclab.rtdc_dataset.RTDCBase List of source datasets (can be anything :func:`dclab.new_dataset` accepts). feature_inputs: list of str List of scalar feature names to extract from `paths`. labels: list Labels (e.g. an integer that classifies each element of `path`) used for training. Defaults to None (no labels). split: float If set to zero, only one dataset is returned; If set to a float between 0 and 1, a train and test dataset is returned. Please set `shuffle=True`. shuffle: bool If True (default), shuffle the dataset (A hard-coded seed is used for reproducibility). batch_size: int Batch size for training. The function `` is called with `batch_size` as its argument. dtype: numpy.dtype Desired dtype of the output data Returns ------- train [,test]: Dataset that can be used for training with tensorflow """ for feat in feature_inputs: if not dfn.scalar_feature_exists(feat): raise ValueError("'{}' is not a scalar feature!".format(feat)) dcds = [new_dataset(pp) for pp in dc_data] size = sum([len(ds) for ds in dcds]) # assemble label data if labels is not None: ldat = np.zeros(size, dtype=type(labels[0])) ii = 0 for jj, ds in enumerate(dcds): ldat[ii:ii+len(ds)] = labels[jj] ii += len(ds) # assemble feature data data = np.zeros((size, len(feature_inputs)), dtype=dtype) for ff, feat in enumerate(feature_inputs): ii = 0 for jj, ds in enumerate(dcds): data[ii:ii+len(ds), ff] = ds[feat] ii += len(ds) if shuffle: # shuffle features and labels with same seed shuffle_array(data) if labels is not None: shuffle_array(ldat) if labels is not None: # include labels if given data = (data, ldat) tfdata = if split: if not 0 < split < 1: raise ValueError("Split should be between 0 and 1") nsplit = 1 + int(size * split) set1 = tfdata.take(nsplit).batch(batch_size) set2 = tfdata.skip(nsplit).batch(batch_size) return set1, set2 else: tfdata = tfdata.batch(batch_size) return tfdata
[docs] def get_dataset_event_feature(dc_data, feature, tf_dataset_indices=None, dc_data_indices=None, split_index=0, split=0.0, shuffle=True): """Return RT-DC features for tensorflow Dataset indices The functions `assemble_tf_dataset_*` return a :class:`` instance with all input data shuffled (or split). This function retrieves features using the `Dataset` indices, given the same parameters (`paths`, `split`, `shuffle`). Parameters ---------- dc_data: list of pathlib.Path, str, or dclab.rtdc_dataset.RTDCBase List of source datasets (Must match the path list used to create the ``). feature: str Name of the feature to retrieve tf_dataset_indices: list-like `` indices corresponding to the events of interest. If None, all indices are used. dc_data_indices: list of int List with indices that correspond to the only items in `dc_data` for which the features should be returned. split_index: int The split index; 0 for the first part, 1 for the second part. split: float Splitting fraction (Must match the path list used to create the ``) shuffle: bool Shuffling (Must match the path list used to create the ``) Returns ------- data: list Feature list with elements corresponding to the events given by `dataset_indices`. """ dcds = [new_dataset(pp) for pp in dc_data] ds_sizes = [len(ds) for ds in dcds] size = sum(ds_sizes) index = np.arange(size) if dc_data_indices is None: dc_data_indices = range(len(dc_data)) if shuffle: shuffle_array(index) if split: if not 0 < split < 1: raise ValueError("Split should be between 0 and 1") nsplit = 1 + int(size * split) if split_index == 0: index = index[:nsplit] else: index = index[nsplit:] elif split_index != 0: raise IndexError("`split_index` must be 0 if `split` is 0!") if tf_dataset_indices is None: tf_dataset_indices = range(index.size) feature_data = [] for tf_index in tf_dataset_indices: idx = index[tf_index] for ds_index, ds in enumerate(dcds): if idx > (len(ds) - 1): idx -= len(ds) continue else: break else: raise ValueError("Unexpected Error!") if ds_index in dc_data_indices: # only add feature if user also required dc dataset index feature_data.append(ds[feature][idx]) return feature_data
[docs] def shuffle_array(arr, seed=42): """Shuffle a numpy array in-place reproducibly with a fixed seed The shuffled array is also returned. """ rng = np.random.default_rng(seed=seed) rng.shuffle(arr) return arr