Source code for dclab.rtdc_dataset.writer

import copy
import pathlib
import warnings

import h5py
import numpy as np

from .. import definitions as dfn
from .._version import version

from .feat_anc_plugin import PlugInFeature

#: Chunk size for storing HDF5 data

[docs]class RTDCWriter: def __init__(self, path_or_h5file, mode="append", compression="gzip"): """RT-DC data writer classe Parameters ---------- path_or_h5file: str or pathlib.Path or h5py.Group Path to an HDF5 file or an HDF5 file opened in write mode mode: str Defines how the data are stored: - "append": append new feature data to existing h5py Datasets - "replace": replace existing h5py Datasets with new features (used for ancillary feature storage) - "reset": do not keep any previous data compression: str or None Compression method used for data storage; one of [None, "lzf", "gzip", "szip"]. """ if mode not in ["append", "replace", "reset"]: raise ValueError(f"Invalid mode '{mode}'!") self.mode = mode self.compression = compression if isinstance(path_or_h5file, h5py.Group): self.owns_path = False self.path = pathlib.Path(path_or_h5file.file.filename) self.h5file = path_or_h5file if mode == "reset": raise ValueError("'reset' mode incompatible with h5py.Group!") else: self.owns_path = True self.path = pathlib.Path(path_or_h5file) self.h5file = h5py.File(path_or_h5file, mode=("w" if mode == "reset" else "a")) #: unfortunate necessity, as len(h5py.Group) can be really slow self._group_sizes = {} def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, type, value, tb): # close the HDF5 file if len(self.h5file["events"]): self.rectify_metadata() self.version_brand() if self.owns_path: self.h5file.close()
[docs] def rectify_metadata(self): """Autocomplete the metadta of the RTDC-measurement The following configuration keys are updated: - experiment:event count - fluorescence:samples per event - imaging: roi size x (if image or mask is given) - imaging: roi size y (if image or mask is given) The following configuration keys are added if not present: - fluorescence:channel count """ # set event count feats = sorted(self.h5file.get("events", {}).keys()) if feats: self.h5file.attrs["experiment:event count"] = len( self.h5file["events"][feats[0]]) else: raise ValueError(f"No features in '{self.path}'!") # make sure that "trace" is not empty if "trace" in feats and len(self.h5file["events"]["trace"]) == 0: feats.remove("trace") # set samples per event if "trace" in feats: traces = list(self.h5file["events"]["trace"].keys()) trsize = self.h5file["events"]["trace"][traces[0]].shape[1] self.h5file.attrs["fluorescence:samples per event"] = trsize # set channel count chcount = sum( ["fl1_max" in feats, "fl2_max" in feats, "fl3_max" in feats]) if chcount: if "fluorescence:channel count" not in self.h5file.attrs: self.h5file.attrs["fluorescence:channel count"] = chcount # set roi size x/y if "image" in self.h5file["events"]: shape = self.h5file["events"]["image"][0].shape elif "mask" in self.h5file["events"]: shape = self.h5file["events"]["mask"][0].shape else: shape = None if shape is not None: # update shape self.h5file.attrs["imaging:roi size x"] = shape[1] self.h5file.attrs["imaging:roi size y"] = shape[0]
[docs] def store_feature(self, feat, data): """Write feature data Parameters ---------- feat: str feature name data: np.ndarray or list or dict feature data """ if not dfn.feature_exists(feat): raise ValueError(f"Undefined feature '{feat}'!") events = self.h5file.require_group("events") # replace data? if feat in events and self.mode == "replace": if feat == "trace": for tr_name in data.keys(): if tr_name in events[feat]: del events[feat][tr_name] else: del events[feat] if feat == "index": # By design, the index must be a simple enumeration. # We enforce that by not trusting the user. If you need # a different index, please take a look at the index_online # feature. nev = len(data) if "index" in events: nev0 = len(events["index"]) else: nev0 = 0 self.write_ndarray(group=events, name="index", data=np.arange(nev0 + 1, nev0 + nev + 1)) elif dfn.scalar_feature_exists(feat): self.write_ndarray(group=events, name=feat, data=np.atleast_1d(data)) elif feat == "contour": self.write_ragged(group=events, name=feat, data=data) elif feat in ["image", "image_bg", "mask"]: self.write_image_grayscale(group=events, name=feat, data=data, is_boolean=(feat == "mask")) elif feat == "trace": for tr_name in data.keys(): # verify trace names if tr_name not in dfn.FLUOR_TRACES: raise ValueError(f"Unknown trace key: '{tr_name}'!") # write trace self.write_ndarray(group=events.require_group("trace"), name=tr_name, data=np.atleast_2d(data[tr_name]) ) else: # OK, so we are dealing with a plugin feature or a temporary # feature here. Now, we don't know the exact shape of that # feature, but we give the user the option to advertise # the shape of the feature in the plugin. for pf in PlugInFeature.get_instances(feat): if isinstance(pf, PlugInFeature): shape = pf.plugin_feature_info.get("feature shape") if shape is not None: break else: # Temporary features will have to live with this warning. warnings.warn("There is no information about the shape of the " + f"feature '{feat}'. I am going out on a limb " + "for you and assume that you are storing " + "multiple events at a time. If this works, " + f"you could put the shape `{data[0].shape}` " + 'in the `info["feature labels"]` key of ' + "your plugin feature.") shape = data.shape[1:] if shape == data.shape: data = data.reshape(1, *shape) elif shape == data.shape[1:]: pass else: raise ValueError(f"Bad shape for {feat}! Expeted {shape}, " + f"but got {data.shape[1:]}!") self.write_ndarray(group=events, name=feat, data=data)
[docs] def store_log(self, name, lines): """Write log data Parameters ---------- name: str name of the log entry lines: list of str or str the text lines of the log """ log_group = self.h5file.require_group("logs") self.write_text(group=log_group, name=name, lines=lines)
[docs] def store_metadata(self, meta): """Store RT-DC meradata Parameters ---------- meta: dict-like The meta data to store. Each key depicts a meta data section name whose data is given as a dictionary, e.g.:: meta = {"imaging": {"exposure time": 20, "flash duration": 2, ... }, "setup": {"channel width": 20, "chip region": "channel", ... }, ... } Only section key names and key values therein registered in dclab are allowed and are converted to the pre-defined dtype. Only sections from the :const:`dclab.definitions.CFG_METADATA` dictionary are stored. If you have custom metadata, you can use the "user" section. """ meta = copy.deepcopy(meta) # Ignore/remove tdms section meta.pop("fmt_tdms", None) # Check meta data for sec in meta: if sec == "user": # user-defined metadata are always written. # Any errors (incompatibilities with HDF5 attributes) # are the user's responsibility continue elif sec not in dfn.CFG_METADATA: # only allow writing of meta data that are not editable # by the user (not dclab.dfn.CFG_ANALYSIS) raise ValueError( f"Meta data section not defined in dclab: {sec}") for ck in meta[sec]: if not dfn.config_key_exists(sec, ck): raise ValueError( f"Meta key not defined in dclab: {sec}:{ck}") # update version old_version = meta.get("setup", {}).get("software version", "") new_version = self.version_brand( old_version=old_version or None, write_attribute=False ) meta.setdefault("setup", {})["software version"] = new_version # Write metadata for sec in meta: for ck in meta[sec]: idk = f"{sec}:{ck}" value = meta[sec][ck] if isinstance(value, bytes): # We never store byte attribute values. # In this case, `conffunc` should be `str` or `lcstr` or # somesuch. But we don't test that, because no other # datatype competes with str for bytes. value = value.decode("utf-8") if sec == "user": # store user-defined metadata as-is self.h5file.attrs[idk] = value else: # pipe the metadata through the hard-coded converter # functions convfunc = dfn.get_config_value_func(sec, ck) self.h5file.attrs[idk] = convfunc(value)
[docs] def version_brand(self, old_version=None, write_attribute=True): """Perform version branding Append a " | dclab X.Y.Z" to the "setup:software version" attribute. Parameters ---------- old_version: str or None By default, the version string is taken from the HDF5 file. If set to a string, then this version is used instead. write_attribute: bool If True (default), write the version string to the "setup:software version" attribute """ if old_version is None: old_version = self.h5file.attrs.get("setup:software version", "") if isinstance(old_version, bytes): old_version = old_version.decode("utf-8") version_chain = [vv.strip() for vv in old_version.split("|")] version_chain = [vv for vv in version_chain if vv] cur_version = "dclab {}".format(version) if version_chain: if version_chain[-1] != cur_version: version_chain.append(cur_version) else: version_chain = [cur_version] new_version = " | ".join(version_chain) if write_attribute: self.h5file.attrs["setup:software version"] = new_version else: return new_version
[docs] def write_image_grayscale(self, group, name, data, is_boolean): """Write grayscale image data to and HDF5 dataset This function wraps :func:`RTDCWriter.write_ndarray` and adds image attributes to the HDF5 file so HDFView can display the images properly. Parameters ---------- group: h5py.Group parent group name: str name of the dataset containing the text data: np.ndarray or list of np.ndarray image data is_boolean: bool whether or not the input data is of boolean nature (e.g. mask data) - if so, data are converted to uint8 """ if isinstance(data, (list, tuple)): # images may be in lists data = np.atleast_2d(data) if len(data.shape) == 2: # put single event in 3D array data = data.reshape(1, data.shape[0], data.shape[1]) if is_boolean: # convert binary (mask) data to uint8 if data.__class__.__name__ == "H5MaskEvent": # (if we use `isinstance`, we get circular imports) # Be smart and directly write back the original data # (otherwise we would convert to bool and back to uint8). data = data.h5dataset elif data.dtype == bool: # Convert binary input mask data to uint8 with max range data = np.asarray(data, dtype=np.uint8) * 255 dset = self.write_ndarray(group=group, name=name, data=data, dtype=np.uint8) # Create and Set image attributes: # HDFView recognizes this as a series of images. # Use np.string_ as per # dset.attrs.create('CLASS', np.string_('IMAGE')) dset.attrs.create('IMAGE_VERSION', np.string_('1.2')) dset.attrs.create('IMAGE_SUBCLASS', np.string_('IMAGE_GRAYSCALE'))
[docs] def write_ndarray(self, group, name, data, dtype=None): """Write n-dimensional array data to an HDF5 dataset It is assumed that the shape of the array data is correct, i.e. that the shape of `data` is (number_events, feat_shape_1, ..., feat_shape_n). Parameters ---------- group: h5py.Group parent group name: str name of the dataset containing the text data: np.ndarray data dtype: dtype the dtype to use for storing the data (defaults to `data.dtype`) """ if name not in group: maxshape = tuple([None] + list(data.shape)[1:]) if len(data.shape) == 1: # no (or minimal) chunking for scalar data chunks = max(len(data), CHUNK_SIZE) else: chunks = tuple([CHUNK_SIZE] + list(data.shape)[1:]) dset = group.create_dataset( name, shape=data.shape, dtype=dtype or data.dtype, maxshape=maxshape, chunks=chunks, fletcher32=True, compression=self.compression) offset = 0 else: dset = group[name] offset = dset.shape[0] dset.resize(offset + data.shape[0], axis=0) if len(data.shape) == 1: # store scalar data in one go dset[offset:] = data else: # populate higher-dimensional data in chunks # (reduces file size, memory usage, and saves time) num_chunks = len(data) // CHUNK_SIZE for ii in range(num_chunks): start = ii * CHUNK_SIZE stop = start + CHUNK_SIZE dset[offset+start:offset+stop] = data[start:stop] # write remainder (if applicable) num_remain = len(data) % CHUNK_SIZE if num_remain: start_e = num_chunks*CHUNK_SIZE stop_e = start_e + num_remain dset[offset+start_e:offset+stop_e] = data[start_e:stop_e] return dset
[docs] def write_ragged(self, group, name, data): """Write ragged data (i.e. list of arrays of different lenghts) Ragged array data (e.g. contour data) are stored in a separate group and each entry becomes an HDF5 dataset. Parameters ---------- group: h5py.Group parent group name: str name of the dataset containing the text data: list of np.ndarray the data in a list """ if isinstance(data, np.ndarray) and len(data.shape) == 2: # place single event in list data = [data] grp = group.require_group(name) # The following case is just a workaround for the very slow # `len(grp)` which makes things horrible if you are storing # contour data one-by-one. The only downside of this is that # we have to keep track of the length of the group. But I # think that is OK, since everything is very private here. # - Paul (2021-10-18) if grp not in self._group_sizes: self._group_sizes[grp] = len(grp) curid = self._group_sizes[grp] for ii, cc in enumerate(data): grp.create_dataset("{}".format(curid + ii), data=cc, fletcher32=True, chunks=cc.shape, compression=self.compression) self._group_sizes[grp] += 1
[docs] def write_text(self, group, name, lines): """Write text to an HDF5 dataset Text data are written as as fixed-length string dataset. Parameters ---------- group: h5py.Group parent group name: str name of the dataset containing the text lines: list of str or str the text, line by line """ # replace text? if name in group and self.mode == "replace": del group[name] # handle strings if isinstance(lines, (str, bytes)): lines = [lines] lnum = len(lines) # Determine the maximum line length and use fixed-length strings, # because compression and fletcher32 filters won't work with # variable length strings. # # 100 is the recommended maximum and the default, because if # `mode` is e.g. "append", then this line may not be the longest. max_length = 100 lines_as_bytes = [] for line in lines: # convert lines to bytes if not isinstance(line, bytes): lbytes = line.encode("UTF-8") else: lbytes = line max_length = max(max_length, len(lbytes)) lines_as_bytes.append(lbytes) if name not in group: # Create the dataset txt_dset = group.create_dataset( name, shape=(lnum,), dtype=f"S{max_length}", maxshape=(None,), chunks=True, fletcher32=True, compression=self.compression) line_offset = 0 else: # TODO: test whether fixed length is long enough! # Resize the dataset txt_dset = group[name] line_offset = txt_dset.shape[0] txt_dset.resize(line_offset + lnum, axis=0) # Write the text data line-by-line for ii, lbytes in enumerate(lines_as_bytes): txt_dset[line_offset + ii] = lbytes