Source code for dclab.downsampling

"""Content-based downsampling of ndarrays"""
import numpy as np

from .cached import Cache

[docs]def downsample_rand(a, samples, remove_invalid=False, ret_idx=False): """Downsampling by randomly removing points Parameters ---------- a: 1d ndarray The input array to downsample samples: int The desired number of samples remove_invalid: bool Remove nan and inf values before downsampling ret_idx: bool Also return a boolean array that corresponds to the downsampled indices in `a`. Returns ------- dsa: 1d ndarray of size `samples` The pseudo-randomly downsampled array `a` idx: 1d boolean array with same shape as `a` Only returned if `ret_idx` is True. A boolean array such that `a[idx] == dsa` """ # fixed random state for this method rs = np.random.RandomState(seed=47).get_state() np.random.set_state(rs) samples = int(samples) if remove_invalid: # slice out nans and infs bad = np.isnan(a) | np.isinf(a) pool = a[~bad] else: pool = a if samples and (samples < pool.shape[0]): keep = np.zeros_like(pool, dtype=bool) keep_ids = np.random.choice(np.arange(pool.size), size=samples, replace=False) keep[keep_ids] = True dsa = pool[keep] else: keep = np.ones_like(pool, dtype=bool) dsa = pool if remove_invalid: # translate the kept values back to the original array idx = np.zeros(a.size, dtype=bool) idx[~bad] = keep else: idx = keep if ret_idx: return dsa, idx else: return dsa
[docs]@Cache def downsample_grid(a, b, samples, remove_invalid=False, ret_idx=False): """Content-based downsampling for faster visualization The arrays `a` and `b` make up a 2D scatter plot with high and low density values. This method takes out points at indices with high density. Parameters ---------- a, b: 1d ndarrays The input arrays to downsample samples: int The desired number of samples remove_invalid: bool Remove nan and inf values before downsampling; if set to `True`, the actual number of samples returned might be smaller than `samples` due to infinite or nan values. ret_idx: bool Also return a boolean array that corresponds to the downsampled indices in `a` and `b`. Returns ------- dsa, dsb: 1d ndarrays of shape (samples,) The arrays `a` and `b` downsampled by evenly selecting points and pseudo-randomly adding or removing points to match `samples`. idx: 1d boolean array with same shape as `a` Only returned if `ret_idx` is True. A boolean array such that `a[idx] == dsa` """ # fixed random state for this method rs = np.random.RandomState(seed=47).get_state() if remove_invalid: # Remove nan and inf values straight from the beginning. # This might result in arrays smaller than `samples`, # but it makes sure that no inf/nan values will be plotted. bad = np.isnan(a) | np.isinf(a) | np.isnan(b) | np.isinf(b) ad = a[~bad] bd = b[~bad] else: bad = np.zeros_like(a, dtype=bool) ad = a bd = b keep = np.ones_like(a, dtype=bool) keep[bad] = False samples = int(samples) if samples and samples < ad.size: # The events to keep keepd = np.zeros_like(ad, dtype=bool) # 1. Produce evenly distributed samples # Choosing grid-size: # - large numbers tend to show actual structures of the sample, # which is not desired for plotting # - small numbers tend will not result in too few samples and, # in order to reach the desired samples, the data must be # upsampled again. # 300 is about the size of the plot in marker sizes and yields # good results. grid_size = 300 xpx = norm(ad, ad, bd) * grid_size ypx = norm(bd, bd, ad) * grid_size # The events on the grid to process toproc = np.ones((grid_size, grid_size), dtype=bool) for ii in range(xpx.size): xi = xpx[ii] yi = ypx[ii] # filter for overlapping events # Note that `valid` is used here to promote only valid # events in this step. However, in step 2, invalid events # could be added back. To avoid this scenario, the # parameter `remove_invalid` should be set to True. if valid(xi, yi) and toproc[int(xi-1), int(yi-1)]: toproc[int(xi-1), int(yi-1)] = False # include event keepd[ii] = True # 2. Make sure that we reach `samples` by adding or # removing events. diff = np.sum(keepd) - samples if diff > 0: # Too many samples rem_indices = np.where(keepd)[0] np.random.set_state(rs) rem = np.random.choice(rem_indices, size=diff, replace=False) keepd[rem] = False elif diff < 0: # Not enough samples add_indices = np.where(~keepd)[0] np.random.set_state(rs) add = np.random.choice(add_indices, size=abs(diff), replace=False) keepd[add] = True assert np.sum(keepd) == samples, "sanity check" asd = ad[keepd] bsd = bd[keepd] assert np.allclose(ad[keepd], asd, equal_nan=True), "sanity check" assert np.allclose(bd[keepd], bsd, equal_nan=True), "sanity check" keep[~bad] = keepd else: asd = ad bsd = bd if ret_idx: return asd, bsd, keep else: return asd, bsd
[docs]def valid(a, b): """Check whether `a` and `b` are not inf or nan""" return ~(np.isnan(a) | np.isinf(a) | np.isnan(b) | np.isinf(b))
[docs]def norm(a, ref1, ref2): """ Normalize `a` with min/max values of `ref1`, using all elements of `ref1` where the `ref1` and `ref2` are not nan or inf""" ref = ref1[valid(ref1, ref2)] return (a-ref.min())/(ref.max()-ref.min())