Source code for dclab.isoelastics

"""Isoelastics management"""
import collections
import functools
import pathlib
from pkg_resources import resource_filename
import warnings

import numpy as np

from .. import definitions as dfn
from ..features import emodulus as feat_emod

_iso_path = pathlib.Path(resource_filename("dclab", "isoelastics"))

#: List of isoelasticity lines in dclab
ISOFILES = sorted(_iso_path.glob("iso_*.txt"))

[docs]class IsoelasticsEmodulusMeaninglessWarning(UserWarning): pass
[docs]class Isoelastics(object): def __init__(self, paths=None): """Isoelasticity line management Parameters ---------- paths: list of pathlib.Path or list of str list of paths to files containing isoelasticity lines (see e.g. :const:`ISOFILES`) .. versionchanged:: 0.24.0 The isoelasticity lines of the analytical model :cite:`Mietke2015` and the linear-elastic numerical model :cite:`Mokbel2017` were recomputed with an equidistant spacing. The metadata section of the text file format was restructured. """ if paths is None: paths = [] self._data = AutoRecursiveDict() for path in paths: self.load_data(path) def _add(self, isoel, col1, col2, lut_identifier, meta): """Convenience method for population self._data""" self._data[lut_identifier][col1][col2]["isoelastics"] = isoel self._data[lut_identifier][col1][col2]["meta"] = meta # Use advanced slicing to flip the data columns isoel_flip = [iso[:, [1, 0, 2]] for iso in isoel] self._data[lut_identifier][col2][col1]["isoelastics"] = isoel_flip self._data[lut_identifier][col2][col1]["meta"] = meta
[docs] def add(self, isoel, col1, col2, channel_width, flow_rate, viscosity, method=None, lut_identifier=None): """Add isoelastics Parameters ---------- isoel: list of ndarrays Each list item resembles one isoelastic line stored as an array of shape (N,3). The last column contains the emodulus data. col1: str Name of the first feature of all isoelastics (e.g. isoel[0][:,0]) col2: str Name of the second feature of all isoelastics (e.g. isoel[0][:,1]) channel_width: float Channel width in µm flow_rate: float Flow rate through the channel in µL/s viscosity: float Viscosity of the medium in mPa*s method: str The method used to compute the isoelastics DEPRECATED since 0.32.0. Please use `lut_identifier` instead. lut_identifier: str: Look-up table identifier used to identify which isoelasticity lines to show. The function :func:`get_available_identifiers` returns a list of available identifiers. Notes ----- The following isoelastics are automatically added for user convenience: - isoelastics with `col1` and `col2` interchanged - isoelastics for circularity if deformation was given """ lut_identifier = check_lut_identifier(lut_identifier, method) for col in [col1, col2]: if not dfn.scalar_feature_exists(col): raise ValueError("Not a valid feature name: {}".format(col)) meta = [channel_width, flow_rate, viscosity] # Add the feature data self._add(isoel, col1, col2, lut_identifier, meta) # Also add the feature data for circularity if "deform" in [col1, col2]: col1c, col2c = col1, col2 if col1c == "deform": deform_ax = 0 col1c = "circ" else: deform_ax = 1 col2c = "circ" iso_circ = [] for iso in isoel: iso = iso.copy() iso[:, deform_ax] = 1 - iso[:, deform_ax] iso_circ.append(iso) self._add(iso_circ, col1c, col2c, lut_identifier, meta)
[docs] @staticmethod def add_px_err(isoel, col1, col2, px_um, inplace=False): """Undo pixelation correction Since isoelasticity lines are usually computed directly from the simulation data (e.g. the contour data are not discretized on a grid but are extracted from FEM simulations), they are not affected by pixelation effects as described in :cite:`Herold2017`. If the isoelasticity lines are displayed alongside experimental data (which are affected by pixelation effects), then the lines must be "un"-corrected, i.e. the pixelation error must be added to the lines to match the experimental data. Parameters ---------- isoel: list of 2d ndarrays of shape (N, 3) Each item in the list corresponds to one isoelasticity line. The first column is defined by `col1`, the second by `col2`, and the third column is the emodulus. col1, col2: str Define the fist two columns of each isoelasticity line. px_um: float Pixel size [µm] inplace: bool If True, do not create a copy of the data in `isoel` """ new_isoel = [] for iso in isoel: iso = np.array(iso, copy=not inplace) delt1, delt2 = feat_emod.get_pixelation_delta_pair( feat1=col1, feat2=col2, data1=iso[:, 0], data2=iso[:, 1], px_um=px_um) iso[:, 0] += delt1 iso[:, 1] += delt2 new_isoel.append(iso) return new_isoel
[docs] @staticmethod def convert(isoel, col1, col2, channel_width_in, channel_width_out, flow_rate_in, flow_rate_out, viscosity_in, viscosity_out, inplace=False): """Perform isoelastics scale conversion Parameters ---------- isoel: list of 2d ndarrays of shape (N, 3) Each item in the list corresponds to one isoelasticity line. The first column is defined by `col1`, the second by `col2`, and the third column is the emodulus. col1, col2: str Define the fist to columns of each isoelasticity line. One of ["area_um", "circ", "deform"] channel_width_in: float Original channel width [µm] channel_width_out: float Target channel width [µm] flow_rate_in: float Original flow rate [µL/s] flow_rate_out: float Target flow rate [µL/s] viscosity_in: float Original viscosity [mPa*s] viscosity_out: float Target viscosity [mPa*s] inplace: bool If True, do not create a copy of the data in `isoel` Returns ------- isoel_scale: list of 2d ndarrays of shape (N, 3) The scale-converted isoelasticity lines. Notes ----- If only the positions of the isoelastics are of interest and not the value of the elastic modulus, then it is sufficient to supply values for the channel width and set the values for flow rate and viscosity to a constant (e.g. 1). See Also -------- dclab.features.emodulus.scale_linear.scale_feature: scale conversion method used """ new_isoel = [] for iso in isoel: iso = np.array(iso, copy=not inplace) scale_kw = {"channel_width_in": channel_width_in, "channel_width_out": channel_width_out, "flow_rate_in": flow_rate_in, "flow_rate_out": flow_rate_out, "viscosity_in": viscosity_in, "viscosity_out": viscosity_out, "inplace": True} feat_emod.scale_feature(col1, data=iso[:, 0], **scale_kw) feat_emod.scale_feature(col2, data=iso[:, 1], **scale_kw) feat_emod.scale_emodulus(emodulus=iso[:, 2], **scale_kw) new_isoel.append(iso) return new_isoel
[docs] def get(self, col1, col2, channel_width, method=None, lut_identifier=None, flow_rate=None, viscosity=None, add_px_err=False, px_um=None): """Get isoelastics Parameters ---------- col1: str Name of the first feature of all isoelastics (e.g. isoel[0][:,0]) col2: str Name of the second feature of all isoelastics (e.g. isoel[0][:,1]) channel_width: float Channel width in µm method: str The method used to compute the isoelastics DEPRECATED since 0.32.0. Please use `lut_identifier` instead. lut_identifier: str: Look-up table identifier used to identify which isoelasticity lines to show. The function :func:`get_available_identifiers` returns a list of available identifiers. flow_rate: float or `None` Flow rate through the channel in µL/s. If set to `None`, the flow rate of the imported data will be used (only do this if you do not need the correct values for elastic moduli). viscosity: float or `None` Viscosity of the medium in mPa*s. If set to `None`, the flow rate of the imported data will be used (only do this if you do not need the correct values for elastic moduli). add_px_err: bool If True, add pixelation errors according to C. Herold (2017), and scripts/ px_um: float Pixel size [µm], used for pixelation error computation See Also -------- dclab.features.emodulus.scale_linear.scale_feature: scale conversion method used dclab.features.emodulus.pxcorr.get_pixelation_delta: pixelation correction (applied to the feature data) """ lut_identifier = check_lut_identifier(lut_identifier, method) for col in [col1, col2]: if not dfn.scalar_feature_exists(col): raise ValueError("Not a valid feature name: {}".format(col)) if "isoelastics" not in self._data[lut_identifier][col2][col1]: msg = "No isoelastics matching {}, {}, {}".format(col1, col2, lut_identifier) raise KeyError(msg) isoel = self._data[lut_identifier][col1][col2]["isoelastics"] meta = self._data[lut_identifier][col1][col2]["meta"] if flow_rate is None: flow_rate = meta[1] if viscosity is None: viscosity = meta[2] isoel_ret = self.convert(isoel, col1, col2, channel_width_in=meta[0], channel_width_out=channel_width, flow_rate_in=meta[1], flow_rate_out=flow_rate, viscosity_in=meta[2], viscosity_out=viscosity, inplace=False) if add_px_err: self.add_px_err(isoel=isoel_ret, col1=col1, col2=col2, px_um=px_um, inplace=True) return isoel_ret
[docs] def get_with_rtdcbase(self, col1, col2, dataset, method=None, lut_identifier=None, viscosity=None, add_px_err=False): """Convenience method that extracts the metadata from RTDCBase Parameters ---------- col1: str Name of the first feature of all isoelastics (e.g. isoel[0][:,0]) col2: str Name of the second feature of all isoelastics (e.g. isoel[0][:,1]) method: str The method used to compute the isoelastics DEPRECATED since 0.32.0. Please use `lut_identifier` instead. lut_identifier: str: Look-up table identifier used to identify which isoelasticity lines to show. The function :func:`get_available_identifiers` returns a list of available identifiers. dataset: dclab.rtdc_dataset.RTDCBase The dataset from which to obtain the metadata. viscosity: float, `None`, or False Viscosity of the medium in mPa*s. If set to `None`, the viscosity is computed from the meta data (medium, flow rate, channel width, temperature) in the [setup] config section. If this is not possible, the flow rate of the imported data is used and a warning will be issued. add_px_err: bool If True, add pixelation errors according to C. Herold (2017), and scripts/ """ lut_identifier = check_lut_identifier(lut_identifier, method) cfg = dataset.config if viscosity is None: if "temperature" in cfg["setup"] and "medium" in cfg["setup"]: viscosity = feat_emod.get_viscosity( medium=cfg["setup"]["medium"], channel_width=cfg["setup"]["channel width"], flow_rate=cfg["setup"]["flow rate"], temperature=cfg["setup"]["temperature"], model='buyukurganci-2022', ) else: warnings.warn("Computing emodulus data for isoelastics from " + "RTDCBase is not possible. Isoelastics will " + "not have correct emodulus values (this is " + "not relevant for plotting).", IsoelasticsEmodulusMeaninglessWarning) return self.get(col1=col1, col2=col2, lut_identifier=lut_identifier, channel_width=cfg["setup"]["channel width"], flow_rate=cfg["setup"]["flow rate"], viscosity=viscosity, add_px_err=add_px_err, px_um=cfg["imaging"]["pixel size"])
[docs] def load_data(self, path): """Load isoelastics from a text file Parameters ---------- path: str or pathlib.Path Path to an isoelasticity lines text file """ isodata, meta = feat_emod.load_mtext(path) assert len(meta["column features"]) == 3 assert meta["column features"][2] == "emodulus" assert meta["lut identifier"] # Slice out individual isoelastics emoduli = np.unique(isodata[:, 2]) isoel = [] for emod in emoduli: where = isodata[:, 2] == emod isoel.append(isodata[where]) # Add isoelastics to instance self.add(isoel=isoel, col1=meta["column features"][0], col2=meta["column features"][1], channel_width=meta["channel_width"], flow_rate=meta["flow_rate"], viscosity=meta["fluid_viscosity"], lut_identifier=meta["lut identifier"])
[docs]class AutoRecursiveDict(collections.UserDict): def __getitem__(self, key): if key not in self: self[key] = AutoRecursiveDict() return super(AutoRecursiveDict, self).__getitem__(key)
[docs]def check_lut_identifier(lut_identifier, method): """Transitional function that can be removed once `method` is removed""" if lut_identifier is None: if method is not None: warnings.warn("The `method` argument is deprecated " + "please use `lut_identifier` instead!", DeprecationWarning) if method == "analytical": lut_identifier = "LE-2D-ana-18" elif method == "numerical": lut_identifier = "LE-2D-FEM-19" else: raise ValueError("Please read the docstring") # Now check again (this can be removed once lut_identifier becomes # a non-keyword argument) if lut_identifier is None: raise ValueError("Please specify `lut_identifier`!") return lut_identifier
[docs]@functools.lru_cache() def get_available_identifiers(): """Return a list of available LUT identifiers""" ids = [] for ff in ISOFILES: _, meta = feat_emod.load_mtext(ff) ids.append(meta["lut identifier"]) return sorted(set(ids))
[docs]def get_default(): """Return default isoelasticity lines""" return Isoelastics(ISOFILES)